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Misinformation dropped dramatically the week after Twitter banned Trump

| Zignal Labs charts 73 percent decline on Twitter and beyond following historic action against the president.

Online misinformation about election fraud plunged 73 percent after several social media sites suspended President Trump and key allies last week, research firm Zignal Labs has found, underscoring the power of tech companies to limit the falsehoods poisoning public debate when they act aggressively.

| Election disinformation had for months been a major subject of online misinformation, beginning even before the Nov. 3 election and pushed heavily by Trump and his allies.

Zignal found it dropped swiftly and steeply on Twitter and other platforms in the days after the Twitter ban took hold on Jan. 8.

| The new research by the San Francisco-based analytics firm reported that conversations about election fraud dropped from 2.5 million mentions to 688,000 mentions across several social media sites in the week after Trump was banned from Twitter.


| Online conversations now measurably more intelligent when Trump isn't allowed to contribute. MAGA Trolls needed to go. But this put a lot of power in the hands of social media.

| You are the one spreading misinformation, you talk as if these people disappeard.
They still exist and they are using other less popular social midia plataform

| >>731142 They're saying the misinformation on specific sites went down after these people were banned from these specific sites. Nobody's saying they completely vanished, but unsubstantiated talk of election fraud has lost a platform, and that will mean less misinformed Americans. I guess every cloud has a silver lining.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1610939590

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