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| Finally, a good president for the US

| Bruh Kanye is the Tiririca of US elections, people will vote for the lols and he will either win or come very close to win becaus people are so fed up with the current statement of politics

| yknow i really thought Trump was the perfect embodiment of America but a complete fucking whackjob enigma like Kanye might be even more on the mark

| >>676812
Rude >_<

| >>676735
Even a steaming pile of horseshit would be a better president than Trump. The problem about Kanye is that people expect from him too much because he is a black person. But in fact Kanye is much more lame neolibal, conservative elitist scum that obama was.

| Kayne West and Trump are good friends.

Kayne gets you to vote for him instead of Biden yet he doesn't secure enough votes to win the precidency.

This is called splitting the vote. Now Trump wins by default.

| >>676972

More than friends: Kanye supported Trump's election. https://hiphop-n-more.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/kanye-trump-2.jpg


| After reading his policies, nope, hard nope, a super rock hard and veiny NOPE! Anti-vax, pray for god to cure the rona, make america the new wakanda, guide us to heaven. Those are some huge red flags and since Biden is barely funcional skeleton, Trump it is for this year

| Y'all are clowns if you vote anyway
Biden is dogshit
Trump is fucking unbearable
Kanye is a joke

USA takes the L either way

| >>677414
You're an even bigger clown if you don't vote at all. If you're not engaged in the process you're not allowed to complain. It just means you're a parasite who doesn't contributes to the betterment of society.

Just read up a bit and vote for a third party. Literally every other democratic country in this world does it.

| Yanks

| Can't wank

| >>677522 This.
A throwaway vote is still a vote.

| >>677681
There's no such thing as a throwaway vote. You need to get the snowball going.

| >>678198 I'd assume the democrats who voted Trump for the meme totally doesn't regret their decision.

| If you're choosing from extremes - why choose at all? Besides, you're just picking a flavoring for the same government.
Voting for a third party works only in democratic countries of no real significance.

| >>677522 >>677681
i dont even live in the US fagits i live in a worse place

The fact you clowns are even in this position in the first place is bc ur ThroWAWaY VoTe got orange man in your stinker house

I respecc you dumbasses but fr the choices yall got are braindead

Guy above me gets it, shit pols need replacing.

Now tell me "OooH YOu DOnT LivE In USA thEn YoU shoulDnT SpeAk nigga," bc yall love ur shit bubble too much

Fucking jk, dont support any one w a competent ass lmao

| >>678871 I'm not from the US either lmao. So tell me, how do you plan to replace shit politicians? Is there a way to elect them without voting? If all of the main options are shit, then just vote for a less-known candidate and hope they gain traction than keep the entire thing in a constant political deadlock. At least then you're doing something other than twiddling your thumbs. Seethe harder, faggot.

| >>678876
Wow fegit when did I tell your asses to not vote? Lmao i said voting either way aint gonna do shit with the shit choices

"jUsT VoTe For A LesSer KnOwn CanDidate" lmao like muhricans are gonna do that shit. probably cant even name one of theSe LessEr KnowNs if you asked

Lmao sure im twiddling my thumBs bc im expressing what I feel on an anon board, like any PlaN i come up with is gonna fly with you assbats anyway

Fugging tryhard lmao git gud

| >>678878 Get better at baiting.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1594493609

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