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Why is Nazbol the best ideology?

| It combines the best aspects of the left and the right.


| explain plz

| It's undeniable really

| Its not lol

| the fuck is nazbol

is it like smallpox

| >>64107 Yes.

| nazbol is literally a condridiction, nazis assume jews are causers of communism (ei nazis hate communists)

| Nazbol is as shitty as Stalinism and Juche. There's no need for that kind of bullshit in a world that has already enough Nazstuff everywhere.

| Don't shit on Juche, DPRK is best country on earth

| Build communist society without Jews and Muslims!

| >>64840 so just nazis with a new, stupider name.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1513295187

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