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A Bad Neighbor

| I am a Taiwanese. Taiwan has been disparage from China for years.We are almost develop the vaccine of COVID-19.Now,we want to let everyone know that Taiwan is not a province of China and really want to help fighting Wuhanvirus.Wnat should we do?

| Wait until China dies, conquer it and become China so I can stop making jokes about which China is the real China.

| What are you talking about, 下層階級? Everyone knows that there is no problem with the Wuhan cold. You should stop being a scaremonger and accept the glory of the definitely not imperial China into your life, 下層階級. You may not be a true child of the Emperor but you will bow before him regardless.

Now eat your fucking bat soup, 下層階級

| 你中國來的間諜?

| Are you the spy from China?

| Wow chill,you can't say people underclass. thats too mean

| >>629015
>we want to let everyone know that Taiwan is not a province of China
But Taiwan's official name is Republic of China

| I think Republic of China means that China is Taiwan's. haha

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1582317691

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