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Moderate gang

| "Sorry sweaty. Not a communist? You're a Nazi."

Nah fuck you maybe I like money and guns but also weed and choice and sucking dick but also monogamy cuz I ain't a cuck. I also like the country I live in and I love spicy jokes of all kinds because that's what they are, jokes. Also fuck you, God Bless the USA but unironically.

Just leave me the fuck alone ya fuckin mouth breathers.

/rant over

| I sympathize with this on a huge level.

| Anti-centrists be like: "dude, we like hate everyone else and each other on a personal level because we take our ideology too far but we like commit dude, nothing wrong with taking up the worst parts associated with our worldview and not fixing them dude, it's just commitment dude, you're a cuck"

| yeah gurl preach this shit!

| >>625623
>I like [...] weed and choice and sucking dick
Then you are a fucking communist, because sucking dick, weed and choice are made by communists to harm the supremacy of straight white man.

| neither communism nor capitalism are very good solutions to any of the worlds problems. the problem is that people keep treating these ideas about economics as some kind of bible. they're tools, very small tools, that's all, and they should be respected as such.

unfortunately as far as the u.s. goes, capitalism is running the entire country into more and more poverty, not a good situation.

| oh, and btw, this thread doesn't make sense. can't decide if it's a joke or what, but either way it's just very confusing and kinda cringe

| >>625807

I suspected it was a shitpost, but didn't look into it much after moving it to /news/.

| Every thread in /new/ is either a shitpost or closed.

I get my facts from trustwhorty sources like Anna. Never trust a shitpost or a closed thread.

| >>625827
i interpreted it as an expression of frustration with the modern day shift to political extremism. there is only extreme left or extreme right with little inbetween. at least thats how it feels.

| This just reads more like a rant against politardation

| The problem is, that there is a clear global shift to the right, so that positions that once were shared by the centre are blamed as "left extremist", e.g. anti-racism, respecting international law, disarming policy, diplomacy instead militarism, providing social estate, regulate market, capital taxation, etc.

| The problem is, that there is a clear global shift to the right, so that positions that once were shared by the centre are blamed as "left extremist", e.g. anti-racism, respecting international law, disarming policy, diplomacy instead militarism, providing social estate, regulate market, capital taxation, etc.

| >>625623
>"Sorry sweaty. Not a communist? You're a Nazi."
This portrayal already is right-leaning and biased. Because in most cases it's the other way arround:
"Sorry sweaty. You aren't against abortion/immigration/free healthcare/regulated markets/racial profiling/law & order/disarmament/environmentalism/CO2 reduction? You're a communist."

| Also this. The centre is shifting more and more to the right with every crisis that comes. The 60s hippie movement and also the 90s post-cold war left-liberal era turned out being nothing but a short-termed euphorical straw-fires. Most of the time in most leading industry nations politics was dominated by right-leaning neo-cons and neoliberals. Now, as their politics failed, they shift to the right and blame leftists and/or other "conspiracy's" for their failure.

| Price question:
Who do you think proclaims more "moderate" statements:
Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders
Or are they both equally extremists to you?

Couldn't it be that "centrism/moderatism" are just costumes to hide radical positions like market-fundamentalism?

| You don't need a "worldview".
"Communism" and "Capitalism" don't exist, especially not in the Cold War movie sense. Networking/helping each other is not nepotism.
People make up "politics" because they want to feel powerful. Take care of your own finances, take care of your own, judge people by how they act instead of what they believe, and if someone asks you your opinion about X, tell him that you don't care and that he can go fuck himself.
That's all.

| >>625933
>Networking/helping each other is not nepotism.
But Networking already is more restrictive than just "helping each other". Not just because you don't help people outside your network, but also because you may help people in your network exploiting people that don't belong to it. Social/Economical classes are real. They aren't a pure product of our imagination like races, nations or religions.

| >>625933
>Take care of your own finances, take care of your own, judge people by how they act instead of what they believe, and if someone asks you your opinion about X, tell him that you don't care and that he can go fuck himself.
That's all.
And what would you do if they force you (or your neighbors) to go in reeductaion-, work- or death-camps? There are things you can't ignore.
Just because some ppl have a selective solidarity, it doesn't mean solidarity is bad in general.

| >>625969
Extreme case here.
>b-but it happened
In cases of extreme political void and upheaval by people who actually think they kill you before you kill them, because they are actually following your advice. Even Nazis were persuaded the evul Joo was that close to kill them.

To be clear, eco classes are real and I'm absolutely not saying to be an localist AnCap prepper, just not to obey the State on cultural matters nor join a herd because pretty flag and dank posters.

| >>625969
(cont.) >>626005
Also networks aren't supposed to be rigid ideological machines, you help people you know while other people help people they know. You can't prevent the formation of clienteles and dependencies, that's how society develops, what you should prevent is those networks devolving into some kind of informal near-feudal structures or even informal slavery (hello Japan), and that why protective laws and redistribution measures are here for.

| too many trolls here

| >>625623 Problem with centrists is they talk a good game about hating both sides but I only ever see them attack the left while stanning the right every time. If anything most centrists are just cowardly conservatives afraid to admit it.

Also another problem is centrism ignores the Overton window as a factor.

| >>626181
Given that the populist Right is about giving botched leftist measure to the fraction of the working classes they pander too, you could say Centrists are the real conservatives while the Right is Leftists who never finished a book.

| >>626182
>you could say Centrists are the real conservatives while the Right is Leftists who never finished a book.
This is the problem about centrists: They often aren't really the center. They are moderately right-leaning conservatives (and economical liberals).
The problem about Right isn't just that they haven't finished leftists books, but that their own books consist of weird lies and anti-/inhumane theories. Also problematic are leftists who didn't finished their books.

| Leftists are idealists, that suffer from the fact that the world isn't ideal. As soon they want to make politics, they need to sacrifice their ideals for the sake of power, which leads to hypocrisy.
And behind lots of rightists there are in fact disappointed, frustrated and corrupted idealists.
Centrists are always those who want to keep the status quo. That's why they are conservatives with a dogmatic and totalitarian touch as soon they proclaim the status quo somehow as superior.

| >>626211 this reads like fox news trying to explain transgender politics or something. the world isn't that black and white, it's really difficult to nutshell things like that

i am a leftist, and in no way an idealist. the issue we face globally today is that there is enough resources to end global hunger and poverty while also allowing space for the earth to heal. unfortunately there are people who don't want it that way and are not working towards that

| >>626473
Yeah, reality is complex and big, and there are thousands of layers of gray between black and white. But every post here is restricted to 500 characters. And most people are busy with securing their existence or progressing in their career or do even less useful activities like enjoying consumerism and entertainment. So they have no time and motivation to study pedantic all information about every tiny, and often depressing, aspect of society.

| It doesn't matter what your ideology is. The feds will always send agents to fuck with you if you don't abide by every little regulation they throw at you. Even if you 100% agree with and support the feds, they'll still tell you that you're breathing wrong or something.

Total number of posts: 29, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1581832026

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