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Right wing terror in germany?

| Two people were murdered today (9th octobre). One suspect was arrested, another one was seen escaping in military clothes and a nazi-helmet.
The attack happened near a synagogue and today is jom kippur - the holiest day of the year in judaism.
Nevertheless, the german police officially states "the background is unclear".


| > right wing terror
> Nazi helmet

| >>601249
Yes a dude shooting around near a synagogue while wearing a nazi helmet is highly probable a politically right-winged terrorist. I can't see anything "kek" about it.

| >>601253
Right wing
Those two don't add up, that's what's kek

| >>601255
In which way they don't add up? Nazi ideology is a very prominent example for right-wing ideologies. It officially and intentionally combined and proclaimed nationalism, militarism, imperialism, racism, social darwinism, autocratism and leader cult.

Yes such things like militarism, autocratism, leader cult, nationalism and even imperialism also existed in communist systems. The difference is, that this isn't what communism intentionally is about.

| >>37adb7
Nazi aka the national SOCIALIST party.
Right-wing ideology.
Choose one.

| >>601436
The name was chosen to fool the working masses, which were an important target group for elections that was atracted to socialism at this time.
Bur national "socialists" had nothing to do with socialism, neither in theory nor in practise. According to them socialists and communists belonged (along with capitalists) to a global jewish conspiracy.
>>37adb7 explained correctly why the nazis were clearly right-winged. I'd like to add their backwarded reception of history.

| The police clearly don't want to spark a panic.
And they are probably busy otherwise with migrant-based problems.

| >>601494
True, the police in germany is even "busy otherwise with migrant-based problems" if migrants didn't commit the crimes.
At this point a gentle reminder that the police classified the killing series done by the right-winged terror group "NSU" for "foreign criminalty" over years.
Also another gentle reminder, that the police (and army) in germany has (like most executive organs in this world) have serious issues with affinities to and infiltration by far-right groups.

| >Katz said 35 minutes of head-mounted camera footage of the shooting was posted on a video game site.
he post it on this hacker group known as 4chan didn't he

| >>601511
1. It wasn't 4chan but 8chan
2. Neiter 4chan nor 8chan are "video game sites" or "hacker grups". They are image-boards that intentionally were meant for discussion about manga and anime.
It's similar to this textboard, which hopefully won't ever be overrun by white supremacists and alt-right idiots. I think the origin from an cyberpunk themed game gives at least some protection, since cyberpunk is pretty much about capitalist dystopia.

| >actually thinking the nazis were socialist

holy fuck are you dumb

| When was this? 8Chan has been down for months now

| The attack was just a few days ago. I think we was streaming on twitch but don't quote me on it.

| what a madlad holy fuck lmao

| >>601317
> The difference is, that this isn't what communism intentionally is about.
It doesn't matter


| >>601798

| >>601798
Why is that? No one gives a rats ass about your opinions if you just state them. You have to evaluate with substance.

| >>601667
It's a quite popular propaganda lie in current right-winged circles.

| >>601838
they were socialists tho
hitler based himself on social ideals of a healthy German population transcending class to become masters of the world or whatever, just like mussolini did, who also started out as a socialist actually

so what do you think about stalin? was he a socialist?

| >>601798
>It doesn't matter
You're fundamentally wrong here. It actually does make a difference whether you harm people on purpose or not. Because, if you do so, there is nothing to discuss with you. If you do it by accident or blindness, then we share at least a common ground about what's morally right or wrong.
So capitalists and communists could have a reasonable debate, while nazists/fascists just give a fuck about reason and are nothing but stupid puppets of capitalists.

| >>601840
you're saying that national socialists were capitalists? i suggest you go through your books again fellow

| >>601839
>they were socialists tho
No they weren't, and it won't become true no matter how often this is repeated. Hitler and Mussolini were anti-socialists who were proclaiming anti-socialist ideologies ordered the persecution and murder of socialists. They were (and still are) quite popular for this in "moderate" right-winged circles.
Their "social programmes" and even usage of "socialist" vocabular and memes was nothing but camouflage to fool workers.

| >>601839
>so what do you think about stalin? was he a socialist?
Stalin was a traitor to the socialist cause. He proclaimed "socialism in one country", which contradicts the socialist concept of internationalism. And he weakened the councils in favor for a hierarchical autocracy with loyal bureaucrats. In short he turned the "dictatorship of the proletariat" into an actual dictatorship. Stalin even had some antisemitic views but fortunately they had a lower priority in the SU.

| >>601846
kay, back up your claims now or else you're just spouting commie stuff once again

| >>601849
so real socialism hasnt't been tried yet i suppose? ok bud

| >>601841
>you're saying that national socialists were capitalists?
I say, that the national "socialists" in the end served in the interest of capitalists. They killed many socialists/communists, weakened the socialist/communist movement in central and western europe and they made the profits increase again after the big recession - by war and destruction. After the war, many capitalists which supported the nazis remained in their position.

| >>601851
>so real socialism hasnt't been tried yet i suppose?
No, that's not what I'm saying. I say real socialism hasn't been tried SUCCESSFULLY. Of course it has been tried, but it obviously failed.
And it will always fail without internationalism and without basic democratically elements like councils.
Beside that, I'm very skeptical about the tendency to centralism, which was so far inherent to most socialist approaches.

| >>601852
but nazis weren't capitalists though, i got ya
that made no sense and was factually wrong but ok

| >>601850
>back up your claims

I will, if you accept Wikipedia as source.

And before you complain about how the wikipedia is allegedly dominated by liberals, feminists, jews, muslims, immigrants, communists and lizardmen:
You are free to check, criticize and disprove the sources given on the Wikipedia article itself.

If you only accept sources, which say what you want, I don't need to give them to you, don't I?

| >>601855
>but nazis weren't capitalists though, i got ya
I never said nazis were capitalists. I just said that nazists served the capitalists cause by dividing the working class with racist/nationalist ideology and by providing a economic stimulus by war, murder and destruction. It's no coincidence that the nazis came in power in order of an economical crisis and that the economy was flourishing during and after their rampage.

| >>601855
>that made no sense and was factually wrong but ok
Please be more precisely:
Which part did made "no sense" to you and which was "factually wrong"?


>kay, back up your claims now or else you're just spouting commie stuff once again
>Hitler and Mussolini were anti-socialists who were proclaiming anti-socialist ideologies
>ordered the persecution and murder of socialists.

| Does it mater what economic system they were under? Just because a bad person supports something doesn't necessarily make that thing bad.

| >>601839 I'm still amazed by how bad this bait is

| >>601949
It's no bait, it's neonazist/"alt-right" propaganda, and many dumb people actually believe it.

| >>601949
It's no bait, it's neonazist/"alt-right" propaganda, and many dumb people actually believe it.

Total number of posts: 37, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1570971565

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