Hong Kong protests escalate further as a man with his arms up in the air is detained by police.
Post number #592015, ID: 303b72
Post number #592067, ID: 7c6b9d
>>8805ed chinabot spotted
Post number #592076, ID: df42be
>>592067 maybe it's not a bot, there's a very small chance that it's a Chinese government official instead :p
> lades rumps porno
Post number #592078, ID: f0edd8
>>592076 Why tf chinese authorities would have interest in changing random mostly non-chinese anons' minds on not very popular subboard of not very popular board in the first place?
Post number #592086, ID: df42be
>>592078 no idea, maybe they like Va11 Hall-a Maybe they stumbled coincidentally here and went full defense mode when they saw a thread that their boss would disapprove.
Or maybe it is really just a chinabot that can complete the captcha
Post number #592246, ID: e61f69
>>592239 Isis fights the Syrian government too, yes, but don't most media attention and aid go to the Kurds?
Post number #592313, ID: 9d0ce2
It's not even as complicated as the syriam civil war, as there are only two players: Hong kong is a democratic sovereign state, china is a dictatorship that regularly commits human rights violations. It's only natural people are rooting for HK here
Post number #592317, ID: dddf08
>>592239 to me it's simple, Chinese slave powered factories are cheaper than full automation, what means my goal of being an automation engineer is a lot harder as long as China is around, so I root for any and all who want to take China down so I can have an easy time finding a job on factories building machines that build things.
And before you question my morality. I'm egocentrical and want to remove all obstacles in my own life regardless of the consequences for others.
Post number #592659, ID: 01939c
Violent protester = CIAniggers
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