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erithrean foreigner pushes mother, son in front of oncoming train in Frankfurt

| https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article197625055/Frankfurter-Hauptbahnhof-Mann-stoesst-Achtjaehrigen-und-Mutter-vor-Zug.html

"Bei dem Festgenommenen handelt es sich demnach um einen 40-jährigen Eritreer. Er versuchte, nach der Tat zu flüchten, wurde aber von Passanten verfolgt und schließlich aufgehalten."

he tried to flee but was caught by onlookers.

you have been culturally enriched.

but hey, on the bright side of things, at least you're not racist.

| oh, the mother is fine.

the 8 year-old son is dead.

| only a week earlier, a 28 year-old iraki immigrant had pushed a 34 year-old mother in front of an oncoming train in Voerde, killing her.

traces of cocaine were later found in his blood, but it doesn't mean that much in these circumstances.

| >>583992

| Nothing compared to the hundreds and thousands of death children and parents caused by western foreign policy. But because it's far away and somehow connected to our living standard we don't wanna hear this. One dead child in the first world gets more attention as thousands of dead people in other countries. Killed with our weapons. For "our" resources/cheap labor/outlet.
The German marine officially murders to secure Banana supply:

| >>583993
"Welt" is a neoliberal propaganda paper, that aims on indoctrination and desinformation of people. They are on the paylist of the big shots, placing neoliberal ideology and dividing people following a strategy of tension, replacing real existing class contradictions with made up cultural/racial/religious interpretations.

| >>583992
>traces of cocaine were later found in his blood, but it doesn't mean that much in these circumstances.
Which circumstances?
Why doesn't it mean much?
Under which circumstances it would have meant something?

| >>584279
are you defending a guy pushing humans in front of an oncoming train using bullshit political arguments?
they were traces and not significant amounts. it's still to be determined but it seems that he was 100% conscious at the time and the traces were only leftovers.
read the damn article.

| >>584283 just ignore, to people like this all is about the "class struggle" and every other problem is either fake or "a symptom of class struggle"

| >>584284
maybe if i ignore it...

| >>584284
How about ignoring people like you, who deny real existing class struggle and believe that history is made by kings, queens, god(s), wizards, witches, dwarfs, dragons, aliens, jews, races and other fantasized magical-esoteric-religious bullshit?

| >>584283
>are you defending a guy pushing humans in front of an oncoming train
No, why should I?
>using bullshit political arguments?
The political arguments were about the medial and public receptions/weighting/proportionality compared to other crimes.
I don't read "Die Welt", since it's no trustworthy/reliable news source. They are massively biased. Especially the online Version. The Publisher is also known for the even less trustworthy yellow press paper "Bild Zeitung".

| >>584399 >>584402
take all of your political idiocy and shove it up your arse until it comes back out your mouth so you'll be saying something with more quality than what you're spewing now.

this is not a thread for you to be a raging commie, this is about a guy pushing people in front of a train, and a kid fucking died, you red piece of shit.

not that you care.

| >>584422
>this is is about a guy pushing people in front of a train, and a kid fucking died
I agree with you that it would be better if people would see the case like this. But in our reality, in our system this incident is massively politicized by brown pieces of shit. Why? Because the culprit is a foreigner, a man from african origin, a black person. This case, like others, will be politically used to legitimize persecute or even murder foreigners, commies and other minorities.

| >>584536
are you not just denying facts?
if they come here to kill our children, then they deserve to die, at the very least they don't deserve to come here

| >>584536
> calling commies a minority when most schools indoctrinate people on Marxism

| >>584626
>if they come here to kill our children
1. Who are "they"?
2. How are "they" organized?
3. Do you have any proof/evidence for your accusations?

I can't explain it, but I have the strange feeling, that you fell for racist/right-extremist propaganda lies.

| >>584627
>most schools indoctrinate people on Marxism
This isn't even true for "communist" countries. If schools would introduce marxist point of view to people, then we would have less problems in this world. But this has never been the case and it still isn't. Even the soviet union, china, dprk, venezuela, cuba, etc. did not school "marxism".
Let me guess: You have no fucking idea what marx and engels actually wrote.

| >>584630
1. third wold migrants
2. they are religiously and culturally organized
3. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7470/germany-migrants-crime

| >>584630 >>584632
sounds to me like you fell to europhobe and left-wing propaganda my dude

| >>584631
you're the one who started with the political bullshit and now you're whining about it.
take my advice and stick it up your ass, we're talking about dead children here.

but why am i appalled; i should have expected that commies have no souls.

| >>584632
1 & 2. Oh of course. What church do they follow? The third world migrants world church? What culturw does unite them? The famous unified third world culture?
3. The gatestone institute is a conservative think tank. Their goal is to increase tension by placing fake or at least distorted information in public media. With other words: They are a right-winged propaganda institute.
And german crime statistics are biased. Parts of the executive organs are atracted to the right.

| >>584634
>you're the one who started with the political bullshit and now you're whining about it.
I don't think politics are bullshit in general. They are necessary. And I am pretty sure, that the bullshit comes from an entirely different direction than mine. Just look how these other idiots argue.
"Immigrants are an organized mass to murder our children"
Probably they believe that immigrants are secretly jews in disguise (who are in truth lizardmen) and will poison our wells.

| >>584637
they are not unified but they drive crime up, simple.

any statistics that disagree with you are right-wing, huh?

and now you're trying to deflect culpability. "it's not me, it's them".

and now you're making zero sense. address the statistics.

how about you go to downtown brandenburg, drowned in syrians, see how safe you feel?

| >>584634
Oh, and talking about bullshit:
>but why am i appalled; i should have expected that commies have no souls.
There is no soul. Souls don't exist. They are fantasy. Magic. Esoterics. Like racism, nationalism, religion and all the other stuff. There is only marteria and doings! Everything else is just opium to fool, divide and conquer people.

| dw.com/en/german-study-links-increased-crime-rate-to-migrant-arrivals/a-42006484
la la la~

very euphoric m'lady.

| hey, prefetcher, anyone, can you close this thread?

this piece of shit commie is starting to talk about nonsense politics and wants to turn it into a retard debate that nobody wants nor needs. he clearly's got his head stuffed so far up lenin's arse that he can't talk about anything else. you wanted to maintain quality with the threads, and some staff said that cringe garbage bait threads would be closed. since the red insect is starting to pollute this one, can you close it pls?

| >>584643
Yeah, they refer all to the same statistic. It's done by the german crime fighters, who rather investigated in "foreigner criminality" in a killing series which was done by neonazist.
Some people in the german executive cry a river if anarchist burn a car, but if neonazis murder people they don't like they defend it as "understandable" and "self defense".

| >>584645
So you finally cry for censorship, since you have nothing left that could be recognized as an argument.

| >>584640
>how about you go to downtown brandenburg, drowned in syrians, see how safe you feel?
Yeah, I really don't feel save in downtown brandenburg, because I had to fear beeing persecuted and beaten by nazists that run arround there in fake police uniforms, acting as "peoples defend units".

| >>584647
my arguments are the links i posted, you didn't even read them. you make everything go to shit, commie, you're the reason the mods are banning bait shit
back that up with proof or shut it

i want the thread closed because you made it go to shit. fuck your political debate, we're talking about a dead kid, you soulless insect.

| >>584649
Your links are no arguments, because the statistics they refer to are not independent. They are a example how prejudices are self-reproducing.
>we're talking about a dead kid
And for what purpose? Since this case is commonly politicized and instrumentalized by the right, the political debate is unavoidable. It's not like I want it. We can't do anything about insane people murdering others for no reason. But we can prevent assholes to make things worse with racist lies.

| >>5e5a99
Also, in which way do you think your aproaches to insult me personally will improve the debate somehow?

| >>584652
fuck your purpose, the kid is dead. you don't instrumentalize that. proving commies have no souls.

the statistics are statistics. truth. you're saying someone's manipulating them? imo you just don't agree with reality.

you're saying "we can't do anything about immigrants pushing kids in front of trains but we sure can make people accept it, forcefully".
an erithrean pushed a kid in front of a train. where's the lie?

go fuck yourself.

| >>584653
perhaps it'll make you look in the mirror, i hope you'll realize that you're politicizing a dead kid for your commie purposes.

| > be a commie
> complain about right wing propaganda
> child dies because of evil immigrant
"that child is nothing compared to capitalists and their ruthless tactics of brainwashing"
> receive statistics about crime increasing
"that's a lie propagated by the establishment"
> forgets completely about the victim because her death doesn't help communist narrative
> tries to detail thread before people notice that you don't know shit
> Epic Victory Royale

| >>584654
>fuck your purpose, the kid is dead. you don't instrumentalize that.
>child dies because of evil immigrant
Who is instrumentalizing something here? I don't want to and don't do instrumentalize the case. You bend and twist things as long they server you purpose. I suspect you give a damn about that dead child. There isn't anything we could do about it, and there is nothing that could prevent such random incidents.

| Oh and talkin about instrumentalizing:
If this case is not instrumentalized, how it comes that the irrelevant information the culprit beeing an "erithrean foreigner" made it into the headlines? How is it relevant? Does his "erithrean foreigner" genes push him to this crime? Please explain!

| >>584655
>perhaps it'll make you look in the mirror
This doesn't make any sense. I did not personally insult you. How is insulting me supposed to be a mirror for me then? You don't make any sense!

| >>584667 >>584668 >>584669
i didn't politicize anything, i reported. you're the one bringing politics into it.
you are a soulless piece of shit playing the political orator on a dead kid's body.

| >>584657
>be a fascist in 1st world
>Thousands of children are exploited in killed in 3rd world for the 1st world
>stay ignorant and silent or blame evil stupid foreigners and communists
>One 1st world kid is murdered
>Most important information: The culprit was an evil foreigner.
>Criticism on this weighting is "political instrumentalization/communist propaganda"
>gives basically a shit about the victim. The only thing that counts is the origin of the culprit.
Victory my ass.

| >>584670
You reported with irrelvant/deluding information. How is the origin of the culprit is not relevant here like let's say his eye color or shoe size, if not for racist propaganda? Please explain!

| >>584672
so you agree with me that the 3rd world is a shithole. and these people that built these shitholes are now coming over to us!
so i'm just supposed to shut up about immigrant killing 8 year-olds? intentionally? that plus the crime statistics?
why do you wish the death of Europe?

also why would i report on the 3rd world if i'm not from there? their lives, their problems, we owe them nothing

| If both sides call each other evil then are they both evil or is neither evil? Who gets to decide? If a foreigner kills someone here does it reflect badly on all foreigners? If a fascist kills people in another country does it reflect badly on all fascist? Do we even agree on the definition of fascist?

| >>584674
>so you agree with me that the 3rd world is a shithole.
>and these people that built these shitholes are now coming over to us!
Yeah, let's ignore hundreds of years of imperialism and colonialism, red scare motivated interventionism and post-cold war neo-colonialism. The most important people that are responsible for the third world issues are not coming over to us, they were and still are all along with us (more like over us).

| why the fuck are there politics in this thread get the fuck out red commie bastard

| All news is politics. Policies are made in response to problems people face in day to day life. If there's a problem then it's only natural for people to propose solutions, then when people disagree on which solution is correct they debate which can sometimes lead to anger and insults. If there's a problem and nobody puts forth a solution then all we're doing is sitting around being sad wishing the world would fix itself.

| Get back on topic.

| Communism/Capitalism/Fascism et al are irrelevant to this conversation and further attempts to derail this thread or any future thread will warrant thread closure and a ban.

| This event is sad. Those innocent people shouldn't have had to go through that. That indevidual who committed the crime is bad.
>Everyone agrees and nothing more is said.
>Thread dies.

| The guy who did this should be tried by the laws of either Germany or his country, whichever has the the most severe punishment for murder

| >>584696 I agree. This person who committed a crime should be punished for said crime by the proper law enforcement of the region in accordance with that regions laws.

| >>584691
>Communism/Capitalism/Fascism et al are irrelevant to this conversation
I don't think so. If you look on how politics, media and voters react and how things developed in the last decades you understand how relevant these things have become (again!).
>attempts to derail this thread or any future thread will warrant thread closure and a ban.
The problem is that the thread title already is derailing, as it was already explained here >>584668

| >>584692 >>584700
you know what to do

| >>584691
>so i'm just supposed to shut up about immigrant killing 8 year-olds?
No, but you should not add irrelevant information. Again: Why/How does it matter if the culprit is an immigrant?
>that plus the crime statistics?
I already explained why the crime statistics are problematic (self reproducing prejudices) Now I have to add, that dealing with drugs (even weed) is already a crime. Dealing with drugs seems a normal option for people who aren't even allowed to do legal work.

| >>584691
>why do you wish the death of Europe?
Do you accuse people who disagree with you generally having bad intentions? Sound pretty like a fundamentalist to me.
>also why would i report on the 3rd world if i'm not from there? their lives, their problems, we owe them nothing
So you think a 1st worlds childs live is worth more than a 3rd worlds childs live? Wow!
I propose a program that transfers people like you with only 10$ and clothes to a third world country.

| drop the hammer now please please

| >>584705 was meant for>>584674

| >>584707
Why, can' you stand criticism?
Okay. Let's act if we forgot all about fasscism, communis, etc. debates and focus on the original thread.
One question that comes up to my head is - independent from all ideology and politics:
How is the culprits origin relevant in this news and why is this information even that important to make it in the title?

Can you answer this question free from any ideology? I'm anxious.

| >>584675
>If a fascist kills people in another country does it reflect badly on all fascist?
Yes it does, because what a fascist makes a fascist is that he shares a common anti-humanistic ideology.

>Do we even agree on the definition of fascist?
A fascist is someone who follows fascist ideas and/or leaders. In some cases fascists don't agree on the definition of fascism, because they don't really know much about it. They're just following blindly the lies of their leaders.

| mods you lied

| >>584675
>If a foreigner kills someone here does it reflect badly on all foreigners?
A clear NO!
Why? Foreigners are no homogeneous mass that intentionally share a common goal.
>If a fascist kills people in another country does it reflect badly on all fascist?
A clear YES!
Because fascists are people that share common goals or at least who follow people that have this goals (they are not too open about them if they're not in power).

Total number of posts: 62, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1564599320

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