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French Revolution 2.0?

| Any thoughts on the recent and still ongoing riots in france? Any French(wo)man here?

| Just your typical stupid population made of retards who want an excuse to be violent. It's not a revolution, they have no reason to do that. They just want to break things because they are monkeys.

| I'm angry because fuel is expensive, let's burn some cars!

| >Just your typical stupid population made of retards who want an excuse to be violent.
You could have say that too on the original french revolution, the american independence war and the russian revolution. But in the end they all were the result of the outdated feudal monarchy, facing the beginning of globalization and also the industrial revoultion with all it's chances and flaws.

| >I'm angry because fuel is expensive, let's burn some cars!
This was only the spark that make the powder-barel explode. The neoliberal Macron administration did a lot of stuff which made people upset: Lowering taxes for super-rich people, cutting workers rights while behaving like the Sun King. (just to name a few things)

| Anyone from France who can really explain what's happening? It seems like all news right now talk a lot of trash

| Local baguette Man here, the original cause being the fuel tax was indeed just a spark. Most people here mocks the monkeys you speak of also known as " casseurs " but some gilet jaunes are actually doing something right, for exemples breaking radars, blocking péages stuff that makes us pay too much on there opinion. So even here, opinions are highly mixed

| >>511211
Still waiting for an example of "something right" they are doing.

| >>511236
Compared to others people french people have the balls directly to mess with the upper class, instead of only trampling on those who are equal or below them. Just look at those submissive germans. All they need is a "good leader" or some aristocratic assholes and they'll bow to them. It's said that Lenin, who was impressed by german estates institutions efficency, complained about the germans mentality that they'd fail at revolution because they had to buy railroad tickets

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1544395545

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