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If you are trans, i have some words to say

| you and your identity are valid, no matter what.

you'll always be loved and accepted by me, cause you are the gender that you identify, you have always been that gender, even if you didn't realize it before


| >>454152
So if hitler would have been trans you would gladly accept and love hitler.

(Fan of motivational text)

| >>454155 of course not, hitler was a monster, but i would've accepted his pronouns cause it'd be hypocritical for me to not accept them

a person can be trans and still be an asshole, i can think of a few on the top of my head, and them being an asshole still wouldn't make their gender not valid

| >>454157
Ye no i was just proding the love part
Not hypocritical of me becouse i dont care what pronouns you use

| >>454158 yeah, maybe in hindsight the love part wasn't the best, but i was basing it off the trans people i do know personally, who are lovely people

| >>454160
That‘s nice
.. also i have seen the term valid identity thrown around quite a bit
What is a invalid identity?

| >>454168 i suppose there isn't an invalid one, i guess the point of saying someone's identity is valid is because they might think they're a fake or a copy or something

| Everyday i see things like that, its make me glad that ive born a straight white male.
It feels so good to be on top of the "human food chain"

| >>454177 i'm glad you feel good about yourself, nobody should have to hate themselves

| yeah boy, idk why people bother with the way of living of others, i think we just should be and let it né if u know wuttaimsayinnnnnn

| let it be*

| >>454173
I know trans person called copy.
So their invalid, got it.

| >>454203 what does that sentence even mean?

| for some reason it's saying i'm >>44d348 even though i'm OP

| I have some words too: get mental help from someone you trust. You've been tricked by people who do not have your best interest at heart. Transgenderism is not a real thing.

| >>16562e whats the problem if someone wanna dress and act like the other sex?

| People who waste time making complains about other people preferences do that because they need to fullfil the empty void that their miserable lives are.
Get a life, theres a whole world to enjoy and you're there, bitching about it. Got some news for ya, people will still do whatever they want, and they don't Give a shit about what you think about it.

| >>456532
Yeah what do I care about theental health of my community? Who cares if some people want to kill themselves, it isn't me lmao

| >>458196
*the mental

| It's funny, but before this whole movement people identified themselves as their themselves, as their personality, and not on some weird idea based on sex. But suit yourselves, if you want to put yourself into a box, go on.
I prefer to be myself and not "trans" "cis" "hetero" "gay" or whatever. I'm not my sexual identity, and it doesn't concern anyone but me.

| >>456164 why am i meant to believe you?

and also, give me evidence that transgenderism isn't real

| >>458275
I'm not the guy you answered to.
But even if transgenderism is real, the problem is that it's a bad thing. Not because it's not "natural" or whatever stupid reason retards might give.
It's simply that no intelligent human being should base their identity on a physical/sexual trait. People should start being themselves instead of trying to fit in a social box. And yes, transgenderism is a social box, since it defines a social group.

| >>458283 but wouldn't it be more silly if a trans person tried to be a cis person?

either way, they're in a box, the difference is that one is closer to who they truly are

| I'm fine with people acting gow they want, but I donfind it stupid that so many base their entire self identity around sexual/gender identity, as if thats all they are. i Also find a lot of the reasoning used by a lot of trans people to be quite contradictory. Let them act how they may, I dont care. But the idiocy present in much of the movement aggrevates me.

| >>458294 i think the reason why they focus so much on them being trans is so they can bring focus to the descrimination they face

it's why gay pride is such a big thing, it's not just about pride, it's also about all the pain and suffering that gay people have faced

also which reasoning are you talking about?

| if you are born male you die male
whoever denies that denies reality

if you are male you can never be female and umgekehrt

fuck your pronouns

truth is reality whether you close your eyes or not.

| >>458721 i think you're the one with closed eyes

if you had to have your brain transplanted into the opposite sex's body, would your personality and who you are as a person still be the gender you are now at this moment?
or has who you are as a person and your personality changed just because you're in a different body?

| >>458728
yes because my brain is male. my personality will be affected because my body is different and produces hormones differently. that doesn't mean that the core systems in my brain will change. i will simply be a male brain with a female body that is not mine.

how am i the one with closed eyes when i am plainly stating that dudes in dresses are not female?
is it because i don't agree with you?

| >>458731 exactly, you proved my point

studies have suggested that trans people's brain structure is closer to their indentified gender, and not like the brain structure of people as the same sex as them

so if a cis woman had her brain transplanted into a man's body, would they just be a man in a dress who isn't female?

| >>458736
i was born in this body and thus my brain is male. i was born male thus i am male. i think you're confusing gender and mental illness. you don't just fucking change brain structure unless you pump yourself full of destructive hormones.
and that "cis" woman would be a female brain in command of a body that isn't hers. she was born female and should remain so.

what if i claimed to be a fucking dinosaur? what if i got transplanted into a dinosaur body? fuck your examples

| why am i even arguing, i'm a conservative ffs. whether or not you're right, i ultimately don't give a fuck because you're all in favor of degeneracy and immoral behaviour anyways.

| you're also won't dictate me anything. i'll call a male a male when i see one and not get curbed by a horde of mentally ill sickos.
you and politics are the very reason that this demographic you love to appeal to end up killing themselves. so many wished they're just kept their identity and not get it destroyed by winging insaniacs. some of them get a taste of hell when they meet dilation. some get their dicks cut off. they all age like shit to meet a mountain of regret later on.

| i am not in favour of this degraded attitude and will not glorify mental illness.

| i am trains lol

| What I wonder is how anti-lbgt&co managed to find their way to this website. I mean, it is based on a game that defends transhumanism and such.

| >>3a25a7
So do you belive that if someone exsibits a trait that would be catagorised of the oposite gender. They should take steps to avoid it?

| >>67a910
I don’t think the majority of people ever did that
But it would be nice if they would

| >>454212
I was making a very dumb joke

| >>459207
Well, there was the occasional misogyny and racism, sure. But sexual orientations and simialr were basically ignored condidering that they were a private thing.
Then humans became bonobos.

| >>459280
What time period do you have in mind?
(and where if it’s relavant)

| Well, mentalities changed frequently. I doubt that ancient Greeks cared that much, same for Romans.
During the Middle Ages/Renaissance, there were many cases of individuals in nobility (including kings and queens) having "deviant" tastes and personalities, that were, it is true, disapproved of because of religion, yet tolerated and mostly ignored.
The fact that we are increasing the social restrictions on these points shows a social regression.

| for some reason my ID changed again i'm >>44d348

| >>458981 i never said that trans people's brain structure changed just because they're on hormones, nothing can change your brain structure as far as i know.

i'm arguing that their brain is the same as the gender they identify as, maybe a trans man really is a man's brain in a woman's body, and vice versa for trans women.

the dinosaur example doesn't work because that no matter what, it's absurd for a person to accidentally have a dinosaur's brain.

frankly, it's a sily argument.

| >>458982 you don't care if i'm right or wrong?

that's honestly stupid

if we're in favour of degeneracy and immoral behaviour, you're in favour of lies that make you feel better

here's a news flash, friend

facts don't care about your feelings

and i've given way more proof for my arguments than you ever did, if you can give any proof to support your claims, go ahead

| >>460413
Well Im convinced that they didnt care about the persons mentality(on this specific topic at least). they certanly cared about genetails all through the timeperiods mensioned and its blatent if you look at almost any part of those eras.
They cared so mutch that I assume most didnt even think of this

| >>460413
I mean this is mostly sutch a hot topic becouse of drugs, surgery.
It would not be as inflamatory if it was just cross dressing
(has been a job description for literal millennium in theatre for e.g.)
So I would say we are mutch better of now as we ware historicly.
Unless you prefer
if male then does male things
If female etc.

| >>460710
Hi just gonna throw my hat in the ring
Becouse 3way conversations never get confusing on here.

Even if someones brain structure is exsactly like one of the oposite sex I don’t belive cult like groups enforcing the idea of drugs and surgery are a good thing.

I also hope that one day terms defining
traits based on sex
E.g. female brain,
she is masculine or
he is femanine
Fall our of use.
Without them i think there would be more interesting people

| >>460722 the thing is, there is no other treatment at this moment besides conversion therapy, and that doesn't work

| so is it really a cult if they're just saying that hormones and surgery are viable options?

and also, there are trans people who are able to live without hormones or surgery

| Not going to get involved in this cluster/new/. Just here to ask something of you g/u/rls. When possible, post trusted sources with facts you're trying to prove. "Facts" mean nothing without sources, reports, data, etc. to examine and prove or disprove with. Thanks.

| >>460739
I think you missed my point
I don’t see reason behind going through a exspencive and painfull procedure that will remove the ability to reproduce

Just because someone has traits asociated with a sex.

To me it sounds like your saying I’m good at math therefore I’m going to surgery to look like a asian

I mean sure your free to undergo a painfull surgery to look like a asian no problem
Just don’t make it seem like ppl need to because of their personality

| >>460751 hey if that was directed at me, i'll gladly post all the evidence i can find

and the thing with me saying 'facts don't care about your feelings', one of the reasons why i said it is because a certain transphobe tends to say it a lot.

i do understand that studies aren't 100% fact, but they definitely do point to what i said being true

btw my id at the time i talked about the studies was >>44d348

| >>460756 what about people who have vasectomies, or have their tubes tied?

and it's not like trans people just have surgery on a whim, and who's to say that it's not just in their head?

and even if that's not the case, the large majority of trans people also feel a lot of mental pain, and atm, surgery is the best and most extreme option we have.

and as i said before, there are people who are just on hormones and don't have surgery, and people who are able to live with neither.

| >>460756 i think a big problem with your view is that you should try and view all of this from the perspective of a trans person, it might help.

| >>460759 wasn't directed at you. Was directed to literally everyone on /new/. This thread in particular has a lot of statements and a grand total of zero links to sources, studies, etc. From all sides and people involved.

| >>460818 ahh ok, i'll remember to link sources in the future

| >>460761
vasectomies have absolutley nothing to do with the topic at hand.
I think hormones are way more extreme them surgery...
And the last point there is great in my opinion.

How presumptuous of you.

I belive that the decision of changing your genatails should be just that.
And not based on societies catagorization of personality traits

| I'm sure all the "trans is mental illness" people really care about mental healthcare and are completely good faith actors

| >>461732 the vasectomy comment was in reply to>>b59038's talk about surgery making people unable to reproduce

i suppose my perspective on hormones is different, they do have a larger but much more subtle change on the body in comparison to surgery

also i don't know which great point you're talking about


what's presumptuous

the decision to change one's genitals isn't about personality traits, it's to alleviate severe mental pain from dysphoria

| My issue with HRT is that the effects of surgery end up being far more negative than positive. You end up having to deal with dilation. Your body essentially rejects what is a wound. If you don't regularly do work to maintain it, it'll eventually close down on itself and grow infections. No matter the kind of dysphoria you have, doing such a thing is lethal to your physical and mental health.

| >>461748 i think you're confusing HRT and SRS

HRT is hormone replacement therapy

SRS is sex reassignment surgery

and finally, to talk about SRS in more detail.
as far as i have read up, the body doesn't treat the 'wound' like a wound at all, it's not like someone stabbed you.

i honestly would love to explain all the effects of SRS, but it'd take a ton of time and i think i'd run out of space to post it all.

i'd honestly suggest reading up on it, you might learn a thing or two.

Total number of posts: 61, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1542208188

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