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If you are trans, here are some words that i have to say

| You'll always be the gender you were assigned at birth, and you'll die the gender you were assigned at birth.

| >>453954
Transfags absolutely BTFO'd.

| *assigned at birth* wouldnt it be better to just say *always be the gender you were born*? *assigned* jist makes it sound arbitrary and artificial...

| >>453962
Obviously it's because God almighty assings you a gender, duh, stupid atheists.

| >>453963
What a stupid unnecessary god. Aren't there more important things to do than assigning gender to people? I mean isn't he "almighty" and aren't his intentions beyond human comprehension? How it comes you think you know better what god does and wants? I would say, that's pretty blasphemic of you.

| >>453962
that's what it is: artificial. Because gender is specified by society. Other than sex, which is specified by biology, and even here exist some rare exceptions from the two sexes we know for reproduction. (there are whole species without any sexes)

| >>453954 well i'd rather be trans over being like you

| surrender transgender.

| So is this just slowly devolving into /pol/ ?

| >>454041 nah I think it's just on kid who thought he finally found a 4chan app that didn't look like it so his mother woudnt take his phone cause he was visiting "porn pages".

| >>454041
What, did you think this was Tumblr? Is this babbies first anonymous forum? You poor soul.

| Let's make things clear.
Sex -> The physical elements
Gender -> The social construct based on sex
Personality -> The only thing you should care about if you are not completely stupid.

| Lmao you learn this from your first Psychology class how can people be so stupid and not understand the difference in gender and sexes

| Because its a relatively new concept? Gender wasnt even a term aside from linguistics until the 1970s. It really only took off with the femenist movement. And even then, curremt definitions are flawed and are still under massive review and criticism.

| >>458279
There isn't one, the difference is entirely invented to make mental illness seem like a scientific inevitability.

| >>458304
You can't invent a difference. If you can point it out, it is a difference.
And please don't talk about science, you don't even know what it is.

| >>454021
u know, gender and sex have been used with the same meaning for decades (probably more actually), and you can't just shove it to people's faces that you were actually using the other meaning of the word (that does indeed differ).
the word gender in itself is misleading.
if you're talking about how people are brought up differently accordong to their sex, okay I get u. but why call it "gender" ? it gets unbelievably misleading. peepee stays peepee, vagoo stays vagoo.

| >this is an actual thread on a cyberpunk themed board

Lmao fuck off. Imagine being such a cop that you can't wrap your head around being trans. It's actually kind of sad and pitiful.

| >>458671 i think you're thinking of gender roles, not gender

| >>458676
There are literally slag-brained sheep on this board at this VERY MOMENT who think conforming to fundamentalist ideals of gender and sexuality is the FREEDOM THE FAKE NEWS DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE and that they're the RIGHTEOUS UNDERDOG REBEL FIGHTING THE SYSTEM when they're just cucks of the establishment

| >>458691 i think you're the biggest cuck of the establishment, my friend

| >>456207 actually, to be fair, this is probably one of the better anonymous boards to start off with. Compared to others out there, we're fairly tame. And can actually converse, occasionally.

| >>458723 how does one converse?

and yeah, this place is much better than other places like 4chan, it's way more accepting and loving too

| >>458726
Mhm n that is somehow acomplished with all sorts of extremes present.
This is suprisingly gd as long as you add a pinch of patiance

| >>458704
Wow yeah such a cuck of The Establishment for *squints* upending norms that have been in place for centuries and making spre minorities have rights.

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1542125042

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