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Abortion Yay or Nay?

| I don't know if it's good or bady please help me develop an opinion!

| I'm personally against it except in cases of endangerment of life. Mainly because I like to think that the would-be person might acheive something in life, and I dont like to think that I couldve been aborted. I dont like threats to my existence. I do wish adoption was an easier option though.

| The biggest argument against is always that you're destroying a life, the arguments in favor are that it's the woman's own body & baby to do with as she pleases & that pregnancy occasionally endangers the mother's health. My recommendation would be to start by researching pregnancy & formulate an opinion on when in the course of that process you consider a fetus to be a 'baby.'

The argument about life misses the point imo. I've heard very prominent physicians argue about that &...

| come down to that even if the fetus isn't quite at the point that it's a viable living thing, you still wouldn't be incorrect to term it as "destroying" a baby, which to many sensibilities I think is similarly immoral.

If morality simply doesn't enter into it for you, then I think it's a matter of human resource management, eg 'from a cost benefit perspective, does this person have the promise to make a net contribution to society?'

In other news, my captcha: elect heavy pink

| why do you need other people's opinions to decide if something's good or bad...?

i'm for it. the vast majority of prolifers don't actually give a shit what happens to the mother/baby after birth and use prolife as a moral crusade. also, it's a woman's body. what kind of sense does it make to ban her from doing what she wants with her own body?

| In an ideal world there would be no reason for abortion. In reality we have an economic system which is based on individuals making economically egoist choices. Most children ar, like their parents, nothing but human resources.
Other than in poorer development countries (where labour is offshored to) in our modern post-industrial society some wealthier parents see their children as their "project" while most of the poorer parents they are a heavy burden to their economic existence.

| >>409235
So considering the current circumstances abortion is for many women the best choice our society can give them. The anti-abortion activists are ironically often conservative douchebags driven by retarded ideologies without offering good alternatives or even seeing the real problems. They just want make women dependant to man or control people in their religious "charity" institutions (because public estate is communist satan!).

| actually had this in class today in a more-or-less impromptu debate. From the top of my head, I said these:

("its women's choice since its her body") the fetus isnt part of the body, but inside it

("it isnt human yet") only time this is true is during conception, after that s/he is a developing child

("you dont want the kid") there are many families that can't have babies, but *do* want them, so you can just have the baby adopted

| >>409250
>the fetus isnt part of the body, but inside it
so is it the fetus' choice? can a fetus make decisions or speak for the woman? if that's the case, then a fetus has more rights than a living child. the woman is carrying it for 9 months, she should have a say in what to do with it.

>only time this is true is during conception, after that s/he is a developing child
the earliest a fetus can respond to stimuli is 24 weeks. they do not feel pain. (cont)

| up until that, they are a clump of cells in every sense of the word

>there are many families that can't have babies, but *do* want them, so you can just have the baby adopted
and have it thrown into a shitty foster system? there are millions of kids in the U.S. who have been waiting to be adopted for *years.* where are those families?

| An unborn being can't have rights that trump those of a citizen.

Whether it already counts as a human or as a child it's irrelevant.

>conservative douchebags

Also this. Anti-abortists, as usual with conservatives, deep down only want to leave people that are less well-off than them without any possible options.

Because the same conservatives that are in a position to push anti-abortion laws, also have the resources to send their daughters and wives abroad to abort.

| >>409289
An illegal immigrant should have rights trumping those of a citizen. That doesn't mean anyone has some sort of right to euthanize them.

& before someone retort thats a woman having rights over her own body is perfectly reasonable, I see nothing "fundamental" or "natural" about a right to be free from the consequences of your own decisions. That's just narcissism.

| Sure more abortions and more abortion clinics in urban areas of town just like Margaret Sanger would have wanted.

| Yay

| Yay, fuck babies, ugly fuckers.

| >>409343 except a migrant is functionally nothing like a developing fetus.

>I see nothing "fundamental" or "natural" about a right to be free from the consequences of your own decisions.

I hope you're also in favor of special laws and police units to rein in runaway biological fathers.

All to bring to this overpopulated world a baby that nobody wants...

If we were egg-laying reptilians this "issue" wouldn't even arise. OOPS it fell and broke. Wah wah wah. End of story.

| Lmao that's why we should get some guns and kill off the kids in the slums
Those bastards dont have anything to put out in society anyway

Would be cool if we were Mark Zucc tho roflmao

| >>409735
No shit, is it some sort of stereotype that people against abortion are also somehow against fathers having to support the kids they sire?

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1537629778

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