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it's not racist to hate on con-ethnicities

| jews and contemporary arabs aren't real ethnicities or races or cultures, it's a religious identity and people of all different backgrounds identify as jew or arab if they are Muslim or Jew, and it's cancerous to ban criticism of those two because "equality"

| don't confuse Jews (ethnicity) and Judaism (religion).

| also Christian Arabs exist

| Iranians aren't Arabs even though they are Muslims, the same with Indonesians and Pakistanis

| >>358299 Turks are a mixed thing that isn't really anything in particular.

I think the West has this retarded problem with guilt over things people of the present haven't done. If you really want equality just treat people as people. Treating some ethnicity as a minority or whatever else is how we got to the point where saying anything against a Jewish or Muslim person would be considered "racist".

| >>358302
Treating people as people is racist because some people can't compete with other people as well so they end up at the bottom (on average) while others naturally rise to the top. Nature is racist.

| It is absolutely racist to hate on a race, that's what racism is. Make as many pedantic excuses as you want, you're still a racist.

| lol wtf is this post, "arab isn't a real culture"

| If you have to say it's not racist cause X you're in the wrong

| >>a6ea08 it's not racist because those fucks ain't a minority, and being arab is a religion not a real ethnicity

| So because it's you claim it's not a minority it's okay to hate on it ? Ok let's go ahead and say for example it's not racist then you're just a discriminator instead

| >>358735 racism has nothing to do with being a minority though...

| >>358736 it's not even a real ethnicity, it's a constructed one, based on Islam's idea of superior arab race, thus the wanna be arabs, that's not a race, and hating this ideology has nothing to do with being racist.

| >>358735 it's not racist to hate communists why it's racist to hate arabists ?

both are not a race, and you can't descriminate against a majority

| As usual you racists don't actually care about reality and just want to argue to give your point the illusion of validity.

| >>358951 reality that arabism only spread through ummayads ? or that it was enforced by terrorist dictatorships like saddam hussain and bashar el assad ?
arabs outside the arab peninsula aren't a real ethnicity, it's a constructed one, based on Islamist fachism

| No, the reality that making discriminatory decisions based on race is racism. Full stop.

| except that fake arabs aren't a race, it's a toxic ideology, they are the racist in the equation

| All races are created by social convention. What is considered white or black or whatever changes all the time. Arabs could easily be considered white a few decades ago, but they are currently considered a race.

| they are still not a race, only a retard would consider an ethnicity made up by socialists in the 60s a race

| >>358973 wtf Arabic is spoken as first language not only in Arab peninsula, but in North Africa as well. That's why people living there are Arabs. It's not an "ideology".

| >>358991 berbers aren't arabs just because they speak a form of broken Arabic, that's why it's an ideology not a real identity

| >>358991
also arabic is spoken the same way latin is spoken, if we start calling French latinos and the language as latin

| ZANE!?

| >>359016 if people from Egypt to Libya identify as Arab and speak Arabic z they ARE Arab

| Invincible Kurdistan!

| Who cares? You're still a hater anyway.

| Nice bait dumbass

| >>359041 I care, you don't just claim an ethnicity and then call me a racist for calling you on your bullshit ideology

| OP is a retard Arab refers to a group of people not a religion. It is similar to "white people" in that multiple ethnicities identify under the umbrella term. Islamophobia is not a real thing because religions are not races and are also not shielded from criticism. Hate on Muslims all you want, they are indeed retards.

Similarly, "anti-semite" means more than "anti-jew", despite what the kikes would like you to believe.

| >>359248 Christians and Muslims are both retards and should just stop believing in stupid shit

| >>359256 Or how about not being an asshole and telling people what to believe in? Everyone should have their own right to what they want to see meaning in.

| This must be the one of stupidest threads I've ever seen on /new/.

There's the Arab ethnicity (people who have inherited the features distinctive of inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula & surrounding areas) & the Arab culture (the social practices, customs, values, etc. of the Arabs, which have been adopted & shared by various North African peoples). Ethnicity & culture are two completely different things.

Why is that so fucking hard for some people to understand?

| Jew is not a race. Have you never seen a black/brown/white/yellow jew? Being a jew is a religion

| >>359342 Judaism is a religion, Jew is an ethnicity

| >>359342
Have you never heard the words Ashkenazi, Sephardi or Mizrahi?

Just like the Yazidi, Druze, & Sikhs, the Jews are -both- a religious group & an ethnic one. There're literally hundreds of modern studies that verify such. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Jews#Mt-DNA_of_Ashkenazi_Jews for a start.

| >>359364 shilling badly there, jews are nothing but a religious cult

| >>359330
what you're calling "arab culture" is just an ideology of calling everything arab, even tho north africa has nothing to do with arabs

| >>359446 I am atheist Jew you fuck

| >>359449 you seem like triggered Lebanese guy honestly

| >>359449 then how the fuck do you define culture

| >>359304
What if they are Nazis m8? What now?

| >>359163

| >>359449
I also think the premise of OP is bullshit, but what you wrote is wrong too. Northafrica has something to to with Arabs. The Islamic expansion was driven by arabian tribes and in arabic language, also in north and west-africa. In mainstream islamic theology the arab language is given a high importance. That's why the quran is seldom translated and islamic ceremonies and education are usually in arabic.
Alot muslims don't even understand what's in the quran.

| >>359641
Culture superstructure. Things that belong to culture are: language, religion, estate, science, arts, way of thinking.
It's determined by history, which is determined by economics, which is determined by nature and technology. And technologic advance is gaining control over nature. It changes economy, history and in the end culture.
In the past culture was much more determined by geography (it still is). Like if people live at the coast or in the dessert, mountains...

| >>359971
...swamp, jungle, plains, etc.
So at the coast the sea plays a big role in culture, as it gives food, changing from a natural border into a "portal" to the rest of the world (here you already see the impact of technology advance, here in nautics).
While the mountains give protection and providing ressources for cattle, the desserts and plains makes a nomad-alike (and warrior) live more probably. In the north it's more logical people need to be more sedentary (which also...

| >>359973
...changed due to technologic advance) The political meaning of different regions in- and decrease with the ressources that are currently needed by technology. Back than it was agriculture which made Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome high cultures. Then with industrialisation things changed massively. With the power of coal, steam, oil and seafaring (starting with plundering America) the northern/western cultures were rising. Now uranium and information are key to power.

| >>359975 very nice way of explaining this from historical materialist perspective.

| >>359963

what you forgot is that pan-arabism was a recent event, and the arab identity is just because of that

| >>360884
pan-arabism was tightly connected to socialist movements, like most third world and anti-western colonization movements. Pan movements were quite popular in Europe too. There was pan-slavism, which also was connected to backwarded slavic states (which were united in a "socialist" dictatorship)
Africa and the near-east had some chance to become truly independend from the west like china did.

| >>360983
But thanks to western interventions and finally with the fall of the soviet union pan-arabism became massively influenced by nationalism and/or islamism (similiar to jugoslawia). Most US americans in these days don't know that todays evil dictators and islamist terrorists were once their promoted and raised allies against the soviet union.
And now the same racist and anticommunist scum complains about the result of their predecessors in mind politics.

| >>360984 in conclusion, arabism is fake and gay ?

| >>361527
In conclusion, arabism would be better what we have now:
Civil wars, wars, dictatorship after dictatorship (each worse than before), religious fanatics, etc.

Pan-Arabism was a good thing, when it was connected with secularism and socialism. Now there is, also thanks to western interventions, only nationalism and/or religious fundamentalism left. Because the west considered this to be better than socialism.

| >>361604 so arabism started as good, but now it's fake and gay

| >>361693
It's not just fake, it doesn't exist anymore. There is only nationalism and/or religious fundamentalism left.
And the term "gay" doesn't make any sense here. What's wrong with you, dude?

| so can the north africans stop pretending they arabz kangz n sheit ?

| this thread is shit

| as an Arab from the only true arab region, The Arab Peninsula, I approve, pseudo-arabs are fake and based

| >>362386 *angry moroccan hissing sounds*

| >>362393 are you a pseudo arab anon ?

| >>361768 >>362386
See, that's what I meant with "pan-arabism is dead". Like pan-slavism. Also the "Umma" (unity of all muslims) is a joke. Only western rightwingers believe in it.

| By definition you’re not racist but you’re being discriminatory against a religion or group of people, same shit tbh

| >>362372

| >>362525
It depends. As long people have a chance to show they don't belong to those groups or that those groups doesn't exist (at least no in the way haters see it). It's not wrong to be against religious fundamenalism or nazism. I would not say it's discrimination to take measurements against it.
Also I don't like rich people. But I think it's okay, since they have a good live and can easylie give a fuck about me and my opinion. They benefit from racist and religious masses.

| >>363356
arabism and islam were shoved down the throats of people for ages.

nothing to like about either ideology.

| If it's not an ethnicity, we'll make it one. Checkmate, bigots.

| >>363989
no you will not make your fake ass wannabeism an ethnicity

| #otakulivesmatter

| >>363570
That's not true. Arabism had only two phases in history: During the islamic expansion and later in the cold war, more accociated with socialism (and secularism/laizism) and less with islam.
The islamic expansion was not only a military one, but also a diplomatic, scientific and cultural one. There where phases of peace, progress and freedom in the islamic world, while europe was a bit behind.

| >>363570 >>364325
Things changed drastically with the colonization of america and finally with the industrial revolution.
Arabism and Islamism came up when competing colonial powers tried to play out people who live in north-africa and near-east against each others (they already learned how to do it in america with the native americans). With the russion revolution and the cold war, socialism gave people in colonized third-world countries a chance to become independent.

| >>363570 >>364329
Unfortunately in the near east and north-africa there is much oil, which is an important resource for western industry.
At least China and Vietnam could get away with their (much more brutal) socialist/communist way of emancipation from the west.

| >>363570
In Africa, the near and the central east western powers successfully continued their divide and conquer strategy by supporting diffrent kind of dicators and also islamist fundamentalists to get rid of all (suspected as) socialist and also liberal forces. Many third world countrys were purged from progessive powers according to the red-scare policy of western conservatives. Now these conservatives complain about islamists, is a bit clownish.

| >>364338
the ummayads used flowers in their expansion, and saddam hussain killed no kurds, boumedian killed no berbers

| >>364469
>the ummayads used flowers in their expansion
They used beside the militarism also diplomacy and dived & conquer strategys and made much admissions to christians. Also in this epoch christian regents did not expand their kingdoms with flowers. Just think about Charlemagne and the Saxons.

| >>364469
>saddam hussain killed no kurds
He did, but it was not what he was supported for by the USA. According to them he should gas Iranians (also a interesting story how it came to it), but they defended themselves to good, and then he turned to the kurds (which had the oil, hold by US-companies).

| >>364469
>boumedian killed no berbers

Sounds better to me like any dictator and religious lunatics the USA provided for these regions to "liberate" them or "protect them" from the soviets.

| >>364484

so arabization and islamisation was forced upon people

| Can this thread please die already?

| >>364529

| >>364506
Basically yes. How do you thing christianity became a world religion starting as a rebellious movement against rome and jewish establishment? You think they used flowers to convince the pagans?
Islamism is not what islamists or islamophobe right-wingers see in it. It's not a special exception. It's the same tool to fool people over what really matters. It's the same shit like christ-fundamentalists, radical hinduists and also buddhists, racists and any new-age cultits do:

| >>364577 >>364506
Opium to the people. In the end it's just distractions from the incompetence of and exploitation by the same global ruling capitalist class.

"arabization" is not necessarily connected with islam, it just correlates. In Turkey for example arabs are hated for beeing traitors collaborating with the british empire during the great war. The brits promised the arabs parts of the ottoman empire. This is also the fundament of another imporant conflicht in the near-east.

| >>364583 I'm not defending Christianity, it's just that calling out Christians won't get you labeled a bigot and hater the way it gets when you call out the Jews the Muslims or the Arabists

| >>364617
If you say "the Jews", do you mean people of jewish ethnicity, israelis or people who believe in judaism? It's not the fucking same thing!
According to nazists definition I am a "jew", but I dont believe in judaism and give a fuck about the Israel government (to me they are nazist-alike). I also don't own or at least work at a bank.

And I write it again: Arabism is NOT A THING ANYMORE! It has no political relevance. Also "Muslims" is not equal to "Islamists".

| Okay, so first, race and ethnicity, and nationality are all very different things. Race is genetic deviation between groups. Ethnicity is a shared cultural identity, often compound. Nationality is a specific type of ethnicity, dependant on geopolitical boundaries. Racist is a conceinent wors that is over, and incorrectly, used to refer to minority ethnicities. The more correct term would be prejudiced, and applies to discriminate behavior against anyone based on any identifier...

| Wealth, lineage, religion, place of birth, language, phenotypes, deformities, injuries, etc. It can be against "minorities" OR majorities(ie Iraqi Sunni rule), against poor OR wealthy(ie French Revolution). The key point is the biased oppression, condemnation, or persecution of an individual or group for reasons undeserving of the actions taken against them. Racism is an inaccurate term for the civil injustice inflicted on all sides all over the world.

| If the consequnce is not a direct result of the action, and if they were not judged fairly, considering many points of view, it is biased, and therefore unjust, judgement. The hatred on both sides, majority and minority, across any divide, is equally heinous and guilty of the same crime, the same lack of compassion and empathy, the same cancer.

| >>364671
I'm talking about ideologies, not ppl. so judaism as belief system, and I said criticize not descriminate.

i don't hate a Muslim or jew for what he believes, but I hate both religions with passion, and I'll call out their bullshit with no consideration.

also as a Berber in an arabist arab-wannabe state, I tell you arabism is still going, even tho it's been weakened a lot lately, and longer enjoys big power support, we still suffer it.

arabs and wannabe arabists are diff

| الله اكبر

| >>364756
Scientificically it doesn't make sense to apply the race concept on humans. It's is a new-age pseudo-scientific replacement religion.

| >>365218 Race has genetic proof for its existence. It's a part of biology whether you like it or not. You could say "We all came from Africa" but that wouldn't change the fact that over the centuries a genetic group is formed. Or perhaps you live in a post colonial country like the US and this is less apparent to you.

| >>365221 scientific community doesn't classify various people as "races" anymore. And for a good reason. It just doesn't make sense.

| big ass thread. but is it bigger than my dick?

| >>364529

| >>365301 what dick, fuck off kike

| >>365240 When you have people staying on a specific territory which are closed off for long enough they create a specific genetic blueprint. Creating multiculturalism wouldn't stop that either because you're simply mixing up people until they once more focus onto a specific race or ethnicity into that area. It's fine to accept all races as equal by law but we need to understand that all races are different in some ways biologically.

| >>365240
There's a difference between the distinction of race & the Nazist/KKK concept of racial supremacy.

Small differences have been abundantly proven in science. You should think twice before offering alcohol to a Native American or an Aborigine. Negros don't have to worry as much about sunburn.

It's obviously not grounds for social stratification, but is something that can be empirically verified & discussed.

| >>365221
I'm interested to hear which country is not post-colonial to you.

| >>365540
>but we need to understand that all races are different in some ways biologically.
- what are these differences exactly?
- why are they important?
- could there possibly be differences, that maybe are much more important and measureable, such as economic ones?

| In the end racism works like that:
Oh, I'm white, I don't need to work because that's shy nigga slaves are biologically better made for. Also I have the duty to fuck their women to increase their gene pool. But don't tell my wife.

| >>365240
But scientists are all evil jews and liberal communists.

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