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Bernie 2020 yay or nay?


| Ahahah, yeah after he fucked you so hard last time sure people will be lining up for seconds.

| Feel the Bern!

| Oprah 2020 will rape trump in the next elections, all the niggers and obama voters will vote for Oprah

| Hell yeah. Now they don't have the alphabet agencies to help cheat.

| i can't tell if i want bernie or not. a lot of his views line up with mine but i feel like he's just not fit to run a country

| >>358394 well I think most people believed Trump was not fit to run s country before he was elected

| >>358394 To be fair, nobody's fit to run the US.

| Yay

| >>358264 I don't even watch oprah but I'd vote for her so fucking fast, you'll barely catch my afterimage.

Comment below what celebrity you want to be president, because that's where we are rn.

| >>358480 also basically everyone who thought this not only still thinks this, but feels validated for thinking this.

| If social democracy (NOT DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM) works then no
If it doesn't work then yes

| >>358803
Morgan Freeman and Bill Cosby 2020


| I believe he will be too old by 2020

| >>358264
Lol if you think your country is fucked right now i will lmao so hard when a tv hostess becomes president

| >>359443 I know fuckall about Oprah because I'm not a burg, but it wouldn't be too strange for a show hostess to become president. There's some precedents, like Reagan or Trump (somewhat), of showmen becoming POTUS.

>>358803 Reggie Fils-Aimé

| >>358803
Oprah hates public schools

| Voting celebrities into office based on how much we enjoy their TV-shows is a dangerous slippery slope into gradually taking away the power of the president and giving it to DOJ or something like a shadow government.

At least Berney is looking at the Nordic Model and sees what works over there.

| >>359605
I want the whole cast of Jersey Shore as POTUS

| >>359605
Actually, much of the power vaccuum is being taken up by local governments, see sanctuary cities & Sheriffs who refuse to enforce gun laws. On the whole I'd say that's a better deal.

The executive has been unmanageable by a single person for decades anyway.

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1531436880

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