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White Genocide

| Im non white ( Hawaiian to be specific) , and im wondering what are your actual thoughts on the whole conspiracy? I want to know from a fresh non non fascist perspective.

| It honestly depends on the country at hand and the ideology. Some groups genuinely hate white people as a group and will outright say kill all white people. Even white people can believe in that. It's a bizarre thing that I just scratch my head to. Truth is everyone is just racist against everyone.

| >>349941
Typo, lol, non fascist.
Ive only come across these groups online and to be frank, they are just keyboard warriors, the alright, BLM and other radical groups seem only to be tough online and very rarely take physical action and when they do they are surprisngly weak. Im not sure why people are worried for their lives

| The whole thing seems very far fetched.

| I got passed up for a promotion because "it would be better optics to have a colored woman in the position". My own success and reproductive potential are being impacted in favor of nonwhite people. You see this everywhere despite what the media likes to say. The UN definition of genocide holds true, but racists like to pretend white genocide is an impossibility.

| >>350000
Where do you work?

| >>350000
Also could you elaborate on your reproductive potential being impacted?

| Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

That's the in definition and none of this is happening

| >>350274 UN*
Inb4: "they are causing mental harm to people on internet"
1 no everyone on internet is white
2 every internet divide it's multi ethnocentric so if someone mentally damage someone then it wouldn't be a genocide it will just be fucked up, just like people on the internet are

| >>350285 i've noticed most of the people claiming white genocide bc of the attacks in africa are the same people who will say the media overexaggerates white on black crime

| >>350447
Keep in the mind the attacks in South Africa are being caused by a literal domestic terrorist group. Its the whole Muslim on christian thing all over again.

| >Definition of genocide
>Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

| >>350452
If it makes you feel better, chinese is coming to Africa in droves. My friend is Nigerian and he remarked that the country looks more asian than African. So if you want an African "genocide" youre getting one

| >>350285 >they are causing mental harm on the internet

Wait a second. Isn't that exactly the arguement Anita's weird cult used when they went to the UN that one time? Are white genocide believers stealing arguments from Anita Sarkesian?

| >>350451 yeah south Africa thing it's mess up but it ain't happening on Europe or America so no one care, hell they might even argue that south Africa isn't even from the "Western Civilizations" that they so desperately try to protect

>>351415 I mean I think that's the most likely way for them to legitimize the whole white genocide thing but I'm sure they aren't actually claiming that.

| >>349941
The interesting thing is, that genocides on white people just occurs were they genocided or at least opressed non-whites before.

| >>352210 i don't think it even counts as a genocide...rohingya muslims are getting slaughtered, raped and thrown into fires. the president of sudan literally declared war against an ethnic group. christians, shiites and yadizis are getting killed by the thousands in syria.

the only arguments i've seen for white genocide are just crying about race-mixing and immigration

| Humanity needs an alien invasion so we can finally stop fighting each other

| >>352347
Same. Space racism will save us

| >>350453
I don't care. I just want that genocide shit out of my first world country so real people aren't so compelled to defend it.

| >>352207 South Africa however is a different case sincd the Belgium there simply settled on the coast and became farmers and the likes. In fact, South Africa was created by the UK and not Belgium.

| >>352210
What? Kosovo was legitimately white genocide, and Milosevic was never genocided first! The whole Bosnian/Croat/Serb thing has been bad for centuries but that's not the same.

Ohhh, but that's an example of real-life white genocide which doesn't support the conspiracy theory, whoops.

| >>353676 Dutch* What am I doing?

| >>353655
Genocide shit? Could you elaborate which part you want out?

| >>353754
The one on the evil fake news you so badly want to deny or praise.

| >>353687
Beside it's not really clear what happned in the Kosovo, one thing is for sure true: the skin color did not play a role. So if there was a genocide, it was no explicit and selective "white genocide".
Your kind just wants to trivialize the fact that white people opressed and genocided non-white people based on racist bullshit and at leat on the skin color for a couple of centuries.

| >>353779
>Deny or praise
If you dont know what my intentions are, why wouldnt you just answer the question without being so confrontational? Im genuinely trying to have a dialogue. Not sure why you want to paint me as someone whose for or against the conspiracy. I just want perspective is all.

| White genocide, in the way that right wings, fascists, and alt right fuckasses use it, doesn't exist. It's just another reactionary term they use to facilitate their racism, and intolerance to seeing anything other than their own color.

| >>357102
Genocide, in the way that Jewish subhumans use it, doesn't exist. It's just another reactionary term they use to facilitate their reparations, group preference and special treatment.

| >>ff132d don't be like that.

| >>357555
What, don't be like >>c42782? Sorry, I thought that was the level of discorse on this board.

| >>357585 Don't be like that. If we blame all the bad things on Capitalism and Nazism I'm sure that'll make it true!

| Just kill me now

| mentioning the past in this kind of dialogue is a dead end >>1b036e nobody is responsible for what happenned before them. I think what we are experiencing todays isnt whit genocide "in the first wolrd" and using this term is a over the top dramatisation. what we do have is some kind of shaming based on what culture your from. People arent not allowed to search their past anymore whatever it might be. people want their idea to be put to the top and that all

| >>357549 do you have anything that support you? Cause that just seem like mindless /Pol/ conspiracy

| >>357695 it's bait don't take it

| >>349941 Not sure if the current multiculturalism buzzword thing is ok, but I'm pretty sure there is no conspiracy to lower white populations.

The crazyasses who want white people to die / cease their existance are usually too retarded, pussylanymous and powerless to do anything other than rile people up.

| >>357695
Diversity hires. Quotas for nonwhites in university. Anything that is not based on merit alone is always skewed agaist whites. Sorry, I don't have any fucking CNN articles exposing white genocide, what a surprise.

| >>357882
Those are examples of genocide?

| >>357882 those are shitty behaviors for sure, whit people do get the shaft whenever diversity quotas have to be made , also men gets the shaft. Bt calling it genocide is just overexagerating it

| >>357882 i'm rethinking if this really is bait or not

| >>357909 you honestly cannot deny the quotas thing that has been going on for years and years and is infact racist on its own

| >>357714 Not taking it will just lead to people believing no one is challenging their bullshit, so it must be true.

| >>358058
You can't change that people believe in bullshit without changing the whole system. And you don't change the system by discussing, but by taking action.
There are people you can't discuss with. It's lost ground. Just make sure they don't get in your way and biology will do the rest.

| >>357890
You guys don't think very hard do you? Have they taught you about natural selection yet in high school? I guess it is summer vacation right now so probably not. You see, when you set up institutional handicaps that favour one group of people at the expense of another, that other group tends not to be as successful. You can see where this leads I hope.

| Okay as a guy whose people as actively survived genocide i can tell you, if it is à genocide its a piss poor one, thé only reason diversity quotas exist its because companies are too fucking scared otherwise they wouldnt give à shit. Also natural selection un pur day and age doesnt mean shit anymore.

| >>358233
If you survived genocide it wasn't a very good one was it? They should have tried harder so I wouldn't have to read your uneducated babble on here.

| sure, educate myself then. tell me what you know that i don't

| >>358218
>When you set up quotas that favor other groups.
So White people are responsible for white genocide then?

| >>358334 They are not because white genocide isn't a thing.

| >>358334
Peer pressure social correctness

| >>358242 did you read their post?

| >>358334
Yes actually, in part there is a lot of blame internally. White elites have turned their backs on the lower classes and traitors are in our midst. Jews don't count as white though, they shoulder most of the blame.

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