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Nazis were right

| Prove me wrong, numnut.

| Stalin did nothing wrong, kulaks deserved worse

| Fuck of 4chan no one cares

| Nazis were dumb and incompetent

| right about what?

| Nazis were right about having socialism.
But then Hitler and his goons betrayed the party, the people and the nation.

| >>625fd6

Hitler did what he felt was right for the *German* people, with no regard for how others suffered. He was mad, but at least as far as his own race was concerned he was well intentioned. The machine was designed to lift Germany up by pillaging from Jews, Poles, Roma, etc. It would never have been sustainable, they'd have run out of folks to pillage, but until Germany got fucked because Churchill drug the war on till the Japs drug the US in it did an extraordinarily good job.

| B8

| I can't prove you wrong OP

| I liked where Germany was heading but Hitler was the actual reason that this plan failed.Driven by irrelevant thought and emotions of sadness and hatred it seemed like he had a plan but he had fallen short.He had the power to do great things but himself felt into his own mistakes.I can say that they did a lot of things wrong although the ideas were great and if i was in Hitler position i would have done things differently.

| Nazis were right(wing)

| >>287802
Yeah Hitler really fucked up bad lol
Turned Weimar Germany into a world-class state in a few years but what an idiot am I right?

| >>288142 he turned country into fascist racist dictatorship bent on world domination. Nothing great about that

| >>288162
There is nothing wrong with world domination

| >>288211
Except when you declare war on the world & lose, & get your nation partitioned into rump states.

| >>287492
Nazi Germany never had such thing as true socialism, and actually Hitler hated the whole Marxist ideology because it was made by a Jew. Nazi Germany never had such thing as socialism; the government had control over some corporations yet it didn't have all the «means of production». It could be some form of «Evolutionary Socialism» yet it isn't true socialism.

| They were beaten by a underdeveloped nation that for most of the war had garbage tanks and couldn't supply enough guns for the infantry, in short, Nazis by their own Ideology we're the lesser race and should have been exterminated, so KYS.

| Why everyone falls for these "prove me wrong" shitty arguments. The burden of proof is on those which make a claim. Or then "There is a small china teapot orbiting the Sun in orbit between Uranus and Neptune. It is black with white tribal design decorations. Prove me wrong."

| >>288162
There is nothing wrong with your leader being racist, it just means he puts you first.

| >>288617 The sentence is structured X happens because of Y therefore Z is true. Rebutting this is actually very simple since all you have to do is go through any of the X,Y or Z options or all 3 together. If even one of these is different from what the face arguing for these has claimed, you have created a paradox in their argumentation, thus have torn their idea apart.

The problem here is more that there are many people aside from OP that could add their own claims.

| ☭☭☭

| To the political far right, yes

| ☭☭☭☭☭☭

| ☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭

| Nazis were right-wing, yep

| >>288654
Until he doesn't.
Oh you're not 100% our arbitrary parameters?
Get in the chamber.

| >>291858
You know there were Jews in the SS right? Your strange concept of how ethno-nationalism works is not common in history.

| >>291914 you know majority of gays and the jews were in concentration camps right?

| >>292032

| >>292119 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_homosexuals_in_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Holocaust

| You didn't prove me numnuts, work harder

| >>292032
The majority yes. But Hitler never started putting ethnic Germans into the camps just for being German. Your argument holds no water, he defined the enemies of the state very clearly and from the beginning (Mein Kampf).

| I mean, Hitler got himself wiped the fuck out by the rest of Europe, that was pretty idiotic

| Commies>nazi

Total number of posts: 34, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1527127747

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