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| I recently came across \pol\ and was introduced to some interesting theories. I know its the internet and these guys could be trolling but is it real? Are they serious?

| You know how on /tech/ here getting gentoo is the ultimate answer? It's like, well yeah, that's a solution to any software problem, because you build a new operating system from a scratch. But most of the time it's a "fuck off OP", or a troll, because a proper answer needs more info from the one who asks

That's /pol/. In international relations there are facts (like, Venezuela is corrupted af, Trump puts tariffs on Chinese), and all else is opinions.

| Telling who controls what and when, what will happen is really speculative. It's easier to contradict someone's opinion than pull off a solid one yourself, or model politics. One might as well pull a tinfoil conspiracy bullshit.

There is a lot of interesting stuff you can find on /pol/, and different observations you would never get otherwise, that's true. Most of the time however /pol/ just uses provocative bullcrap because it's funny, like saying "install gentoo pleb"

| >>280479 >>280480 stop typing and just install linux, you dirty slave

| >>8d915d
Take whatever you find the with a grain of salt due to the number of shills, but they do get things right on occasion.

| I would generally avoid it because some of guys there are literally nazis and gay haters

| >>280616
And you have commie supporters on this board.
Halfchan's /pol/ is crap anyways, but imageboards are one of the few places left where right wing opinions can be voiced at all.

| >>280645 I have nothing against normal right wing like conservatives. But please don't get on board with these crazy guys that want immigrants died and cry about white genocide

| >>280667 anyone can cry for blood till they have the actual knife in hand, theyre not even the worse ones, ive seen regular mothers wish rape and death upon anyone who looked at their kids wrong


| >>280667
Immigrants? Literally anyone non white can get the guillotine. I feel bad for any minority whose stumbled upon them and felt bad for something they cant control.

| >>280823 what do you mean?

| >>280407
/pol/ is a retarded shitty and dirty place full of monkeys and 12 year olds. The scum of the earth tbh.

Go to 8ch /leftypol/ for dank retarded shit.

| >>280667
>please don't get on board
So you don't think the current shrinking white population of the west along with the problems brought about by increasing migrant populations are a problem?
Not advocating for mass genocide here, but there will come a point in time where things cannot be fixed peacefully.
I'm nonwhite, but even I can see why the people on /pol/ think as they do, and for good reason.

| Isn't /pol/ for annoying incel neo nazis or something?

| >>280978
Hahahah, "dank retarded shit"
Look how desperate this faggot is! The left can't meme and leftypol is 14 year old edgelords jacking off to ccommie atgirls getting porked.

| >>281116
Only if you are trying to smear them my very special friend

| >>281110
The problem is that they want to look at the effects of many things and not the cause. Instead of looking at WHY so many brown people migrate to white countries so that can be addressed they only look at how its currently happening. Unless we make it so that those countries have no reason to send their people here its gonna keep happening and shitposting wont fix it.

| >>280645
Actually you can even become president by voicing right-wing opinions. It's pretty easy: blame niggers, jews, arabs and at least real or fake left-wingers from feminists and anti-racists up to stalin an mao for everything that goes wrong, no matter how ridiculous it seems and even if other right-wingers are responsible.
If the next "financial crash" comes or a military operation fails, blame leftists for damaging economy or causing refugee movements. It works well.

| >>281143 Go on and enlighten us with your stale ass memes from 2016 about "DAE black people bad", or "Deus vult", or "Trump=God-Emperor", or "helicopter rides", or Pepe but this time he's looks like Codreanu.

| >>281539
First tell me about all the great memes leftypol is responsible for. I'm sure everyone has noticed them because they exist and are so "dank"

| >>281559 That would be hard for me to do since I don't go to leftypol, though doesn't that add credence to their meme's quality since meme's are in effect injokes created for purpose of entertaining an in group, my issue with your statement is "the left can't meme" don't believe me take a look at r/chapotraphouse.

| >>281250
>They don't look at the cause
They do, but you likely won't agree with them on the cause of mass migration anyway cause it's not politically correct.

>Make other countries stop sending people
Implying that it's foreign governments incentivising their citizens instead of people being drawn by welfare and citizenship.
In fact you just need to discourage people from illegally immigrating by having strong border control and zero benefits for illegals.

| >>281687

>Shitposting won't fix it
No, but it's a place to discuss ideas much like this place if this board had higher traffic.
Ideas that fall outside of the current overton window won't gain traction until the mainstream opinion shifts to the right, and that is what left wing people are afraid of.

| /pol/ is a joke tbqh. It's basically /b/, but politics flavored.

| >>281690
>Ideas that fall outside of the current overton window won't gain traction until the mainstream opinion shifts to the right, and that is what left wing people are afraid of.
Well the left is afraid for a reason from the right. Because the left either failed by becoming right-winged itself or by getting physically wiped out by the right.
Think about all the Desaparecidos.
Right politics is like as zealot cult of selfishness, social-darwinism and assholishness.

| >>281615
So again, tell me some of the "dank" memes from the left. You seem to be avoiding the question, maybe there are just too many to choose from.

| >>282606 Pepe the frog isn't even funny you nazi

| /pol/ just needs to stop bringing their baggage into other boards, that's 90% of their problem

| >>282901
but /pol/ is present in every topic. You can't discuss about "linux vs. windows" without /pol/. Also /d/ is poltical as sexual freedom and lgbt. And /cyb/, mosly is about the social-political-economic impact by information technology. Also /mu/ can be political, even if musicians state that they and their their art is "unpolitical".

| >>282606 ok here's one https://m.imgur.com/gallery/jArJz56

| >>282606 also, I'm the same person; my phone died.

| /pol/ politics?
/pol/ polska?
Arka Gdynia kurwa świnia

| If you like arguing with Holocaust deniers,\pol\ is pretty reliable.

| >>282930 not for my warhammer discussions boi

| >>283022
/pol/ should be the board for polka instead of politics.

| >>284138
Oh, there is much to discuss about games-workshops marketing /pol/icy.

| Let's all /pol/ynomial equation systems.

Total number of posts: 38, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1526425910

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