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Stefan Löfven has lost it.

| In a live show discussing Swedish politics, Stefan Löfven of the Social Democrats, associates criminal migrants with the labor market, when Jimmie Åkersson of the Sweden Democrats talk about why every 4 of 5 criminal migrants are allowed to stay in Sweden.

| And how many criminal swedes are allowed to stay in Sweden? Oh yes, right: all of them!

Btw. could you explain more exactly in which way "criminal immigrants" were "associated with the labour market"? Maybe use citations or something.

| >>277802 OP here, I'm trying to translate this word for word from the linked video, the topic was initially about law and order but Löfven decided to go off topic.

Jimmie: So, Stefan Löfven, why is it that 4 out of 5 migrant rapist doesn't face deportation?

| >>277813
Stefan: The rules today state that those who do commit crimes do get deported, so it does happen, it is the court that makes the decisions. But if you're so concerned about the females, (Jimmie) Åkersson, why do you want to worsen the employees' position on the market?
*Crowd can be heard laughing clearly*

| Stefan: That means that in the vast majority of workplaces in our country, whomever will be dismissed, at any time.

| Well I think he got some points here:
1. In an estate of law, the legislative, judicative and executive are independent institutions. So if the leislative, which löfven applies for, already says that criminal immigrants have to deported, it is up to judicative and executive to handle it.
2. There is a bias in anti immigrant populism when they justify xenophobia with "protection of women", as in other cases they give a fuck on it e.g.

| >>278059
...domestic violence, native peoples chauvinism and at least the inequality on the job market.

It's the typical right-winged neoliberal worldview to immunize economy from critique and regulations as they proclaim "free market" as a "natural" system ruled by the social-darwinist principle of competition, selection and survival of the strongest.
But when it is about immigration they are suddenly ok if people cry for regulations, strong estate and protectionism.

| >>278062 I don't have to point out the glaring issue that more money went to the migration agency than police and healthcare, with some patients waiting too long for an operation and a lack of police resources allocated in certain areas.

It just turns out as well we extend our hands to those that "bite", without flinching while S has been majority.
Being called for "Svennebög, Svennehora" and being called a slut because you're "outside without your husband."

| Sweden are slowly starting to disagree with Stefan, the only people who stand with him are "anti-racists" and feminists.

| >>278124
So you think racism and chauvinism solves problems?
The real issue these days is that all the problems that occure were ignored a long time and the most by people that cry now loud about how unfair things seem to them. There is much ignorance and selfishness in the western world and a deep which to turn time back to cold war or the colonial era where everything seemed to be simple and easy: first world, evil commies and third world. But you know, people are basically...

| >>278206
...the same everywhere, with all their good and bad sides. I know exactly what all this, anti-feminim and anti-anti-racism rhetoric ends up. I also see the (neo)liberal, bourgeois left critical, but the rightwingers will just make it worse, since they don't understand the system, have no valuable critique on it or any reasonable solutions.

| >>278215 I never said racism solves problems, but there's a point where anti-racism becomes political correctness, and in turn, censorship of free speech.

We've had ours restricted because we've said that criminal migrants do not belong in Sweden, what do we get? A slap in the face by a leftist who probably doxxed us and reported us to the police...

| ...A group recently doxxed a Swedish girl and her family over some very dark humour: a KKK uniform and the accused doing blackface.

And well, they doxxed her, her family and her friends, and harassed them constantly, asking them why their friend/daughter was in the KKK.

There were rules to prevent doxxing, but when the moderators and admins of this over 100k strong group implied that this was ok, everyone else joined in on this circlejerk of constant hate...

| ..When Angry Foreigner covered this on YouTube, they got put to shame, where one of the modmins ended up contacting AF to get it to stop, his response? He asked for a public apology for everyone, the accused and her friends and family, as well as demanding a better moderation of the group.

This is why antiracism eventually just goes off the tracks and goes into a circlejerk, because a small dark joke made inbetween friends meant that she was a target for hate against her.

| >>278420
In my expirience most people who complain about anti-racist/feminist cencorship have no idea what real cencorship is like and just need it as an excuse to justify their restricted and selfish world-view. It is also part of free speech to say if you think something is racist or against women. If free speech is in danger, how it comes there is a debate about all these things? I am honestly more concerned about the lack of a serious critical debate on the capitalist system.

| >>278732 Yeah, true, it's not true censorship of free speech, and I still hold my views, even though they're showing their own intolerance of any other opinions.

One of my parents lived in Vietnam during the war, I hear stories about Viet Cong and the government being skeptical of their citizens.

Maybe it'll score me a punch on the streets because I'm a "nazi" for whatever reason, maybe it won't. I wouldn't know.

| But as with communism, it sounds good on paper, but the real life aspects doesn't exactly work out very well.

| >>278786
>Maybe it'll score me a punch on the streets because I'm a "nazi" for whatever reason, maybe it won't. I wouldn't know.
I mean, how often did this happen srsly? Even if you march up on street with a nazist mob, showing your racist views, police protects you and your "opinion" (they rather sympathize than oppose)

| >>278949 again, the tolerance of the left has been in wrong areas at times, I've heard people get called nazi and facist despite them not being white.

It's a weak mind game, a desperate attempt to make the accused feel bad.

| >>279283
>It's a weak mind game, a desperate attempt to make the accused feel bad.
Well, if a person continously says "all or most niggers are criminals" or "women should stay at home cooking and secretly want to be raped", and as critique cones on it claiming about beeing "accused" by "evil leftists, anti-racists and feminists", then it is obvious who makes others feel bad playing weak mind games.

| >>279473 Anything is a mind game, from political or war propaganda to certain far left/far right views.

| I also lost it

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1526215660

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