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I stubbed my toe yesterday. Goddamn Russians...

| It seems that no matter what I do, the Russians are always trying to make me more miserable. From putting
in power to inconveniencing me at every step. No, it's not because I majored in "Intersectional Feminist Studies for Determining the Sexuality of Dolphins" that I can't find a job. It's those damn ruskies that are to blame.

| Ok? Your point is?

| >>181248 I think it's by the same neo nazi guy, ignore him

| wow the russians really crossed the line

| >>181271 By the rate neo-nazi replicate themselves in your imaginary world, half of the earth would be filled with white folks with edgy hair cut

| >>181284 in2020

| >>181248 Fucking Russian bots. Can't even leave me alone here.

| >>181271 I assure you, I am not a nazi. I am 100% for white genocide and physically assaulting members of the alt-right. #feelthebern #antifa

| >>181271
I think ignoring problems do not solve any problems. Look how hard poor OP is crying for attention:
This attempt is so pathetic, that it realy makes me sad to watch it. We should show OP that we will not give up in the name of humanism. Fight nazism in the first place, not the nazists. People are basically the same. It's the fucking system that divides them into rich and poor, where the first ones fool the second ones with chauvinist lies like nazism.

| >>181408
I still love you, poor, foolish and unhappy person. Pls tell us more about your concerns. I am here for you and never give up on you.

| >>181524 I agree with you. Why are you calling me a nazi? Unless
you're the real NAZI!!!!1

| Henlo there, I am that Russian, who you should blame. I like the way you suffer. Go on.

| >>181533 Go and die in a fire with rest of your Drumpf loving scum, fascist.

| >>181529 Thank you. After all of this internet abuse FROM LOW-KEY DRUMPF SUPPORTERS, I'm deleting all my accounts tho

| This place will quickly end up like SRS on reddit. At first it was ironic and sarcastic shitposting then the retards took it seriously and decided to flock there.

Only this place ia already filled with dumbshit communists and gender studies experts.

| >>181722 as far as I know there only two commie g/u/rls on danger/u/. "So it's not filled communists"

| >>181722
>Only this place ia already filled with dumbshit communists and gender studies experts.

Yes. Come, my people.

| >>181800
Nah, no chance to explain that to ppl that still are infected by the usual, stupid and irrational „red scare“.

| >>181800 lol wot

| >>182016 *two very active g/u/rls

| There are communists in a cyberpunk game inspired message-board? No way! What a miracle!

Sometimes it's so hard not to loose faith in the human race.
Do you guys even try to use ur head for other purposes than carrying a hat?

| >>182036
What's your point?

| >>182040
Are you serious?

| Dont blame us for Putin m8. He elects himself every time. Our vote does not matter.

| >>182421 It's okay. He runs our nation too.

| >>182508
Putin runs nothing. He is just a marionet of oligarchy that fools people with boring nationalism and religious opium. The return of the Orthodox-Christian idiots is one of the most annoying things of the post-sowjet era. The opression of this assholes was one of the few things that was done right in the USSR.

| >>182413
You don't need to be a communist or even anarchist to like cyberpunk and be against large corporate control.

| as a conservative christian I am still very against the system and how media/corps/government fuck with everything. yes I'm a rare species lol. I def feel out of place on danger/u/, but fuck it I love cyberpunk stuff, and commie or not everyone here seems chill af.

| >>182874
This was not written here. You could also be a liberal that still believes that capitalism can be controlled/tamed somehow.
In south america christian theology partly goes pretty well along with communist ideas. It's called liberation theology.

| >>182991 Oh hey I'm not alone. Sup g/u/rl.

| How bout Jirinovsky? Like the guy? Should he be a president?

| >>185141 that guy is just fuckin' insane. He is more unstable than Trump

| I like your thread, OP

| >>185297 he's the ldp, other than him there are communists the 20 million undeclared $ in Switzerland guy the idiotic blonde. And a few I don't know. Point being: not much to choose from.

| >>186743
Even though that also the communists are pretty conservative in russia, they are the best choice at moment. Why? Because they are
1. Against the Orthodox clerus and islamism
2. Against corruption and oligarchy
3. For fair distribution of income
4. For less (us-) americanization of foreign policy. (They still want to keep the krim, but support for Assad while ally with erdogan against the Kurds is shabby as fuck - russias only motivation is keep access to mediterranean sea.

| >>186828 I don't understand how communists can support Asad. Why not Rojava?

| >>186828
3. For fair distribution of income
Dysgenic as fuck and harmful to industry. "Fair" here always means the opposite, doesn't it?

| >>186930 good luck being ruled by 1%

| >>186967
Good luck starving to death.

| Good luck being ruled by 1% and starving to death.

| I am russian occupant, and I am sorry.
I am sorry because I built schools, hospitals, houses in the third world countries. I am sorry because I built cities in deserts. I am sorry because my ancestors defeated Hitler and saved Europe. I am sorry.

| >>187341
You couldn't even defeat Japan, don't think you are Top Cock

| >>187342 O thought Hitler was more dangerous than asian monkeys...

| >>187355
You mean the guy that literally everyone was fighting at the time? 1v1 Germany Russia leggo

| >>187342
It was only a matter of time, my simpleton friend. Japan was never a priority for the red army as it had other more urgent matters at hand. Continental landmass is always always 100fold more valuable than a couple of islands, isolated and barren from resources.

| >>187544
>they were too insignificant for us to defeat!
Pro tip: it wasn't the red army

| >>187605
Another pro tip: The red army won ww2.

| >>187609 another pro tip : without support of allies red army would run out of supplies.

| >>187778
Another pro tip: without support for counter-revolutionary forces and intervention (polar bear) by allies during civil war, the red army would have not been weakened.
Another pro tip: without appeasement policy against nazists (in contradiction to support and intervention against pre-stalinist soviets.) all this shit turned out diffrently.
I bet in the beginning there were some ppl in the west that were at first glad when Hitler came in power instead communists.

| >>187778
No my friend, you have it all wrong. What you call support and are proud to classify as participation is a revised history of how 'allies' rushed in hastily in Europe after it was clear that the red army was swiping nasism away with a vengeance and it should not be allowed to win alone and collect all the spoils of war. It was the german army that run out of supplies from the eastern front, unable to replenish its presence in Africa. Only then 'allied' were able to win.

| >>187396 yeah lol leggo, we have daggers with nuclear engines

| >>181284 "Filled with white folks" Ha-ha! Dangly parts.

| I haven't read anything in this topic, but I'm sure it's full of friendly people eager to discuss, learn and listen

| >>186834
Well, I think it was said that communists (in russia) do NOT prefer Assad or even Erdogan over Rojava - in contradiction to the current government.

| >>187355
That's so fucking racist. Go back to your Ku-Klux-board circlejerking with your masterrace comrades or whatever.

| >>186930
Ofcourse. Having no Child labour or slavery - and in general, human rights - are also bad for industry. And everyone who critizes it is a evil communist that wants the opposite of what he proclaims.
Can you stop beeing stupid pls?

| >>189331 heh lel yellow anus burned

| >>189331

| The US began to send supplies to USSR in 1941, including the US6 truck used for katyuska. The battle of Stalingrad(until which USSR was being pushed back near constantly) did not end until 1943. To say the USSR was thrashing germany before US began sending supplies is false. I dont care much about capitalism/communism, but at least get your history right.

| >>189335
There is no "fair" distribution of income. The "fair" distribution is exactly what it is at any given time. Markets decide this automatically. When insect people behave like crabs in a bucket (they do) everyone loses. If they fight for above-slavery wages then industry just moves elsewhere and they go back to eating cockroaches to survive. This is what happens to people with shit cultures and brutal hierarchies.

| >>191611 "free market" is a myth created by bourgeoisie

| >>191611
>then industry just moves elsewhere
At some point there won't be an elsewhere.
It's fun to see that lots of western Industry moved to "communist" dictatorship.
Either the capitalists who did so have to admit that communism is superior or that not everything with a "red label" is communism.
In the first case one could ask: fine, why then still having capitalism?
In the second case one could ask: Is the Chinese model the next level of capitalism, since industry moves there?

| >>191707
Free market being a myth is a myth by Marxists. Most people just don't understand the rules of nature.

Chinese just have even less empathy for their fellow man and don't see a problem with ruthlessly enslaving them. This is tangential to the communism capitalism discussion.

| >>191938
>Free market being a myth is a myth by Marxists.
No, it's the fucking reality. Next black friday will bring us the next hitler... Humanity is on the razors edge again. Currently it only needs a spark again to make the world explode.
>Most people just don't understand the rules of nature.
Partly I agree with you. But people like you forget that your acces to knowledge about "nature" (=reality) is restricted. Else it your'e just another spiritual leader/wannabe superhuman.

| >>191938
>Chinese just have even less empathy for their fellow man and don't see a problem with ruthlessly enslaving them.
That's what i call cultural relativism or even racism. Chinese people have pretty much the same "device" on their shoulders than every other human beeing.
Nevertheless, you admit here, that capitalist competition is about the worst level of common "empathy". Sounds not very attracting to me.

| >>192011
>Chinese people have pretty much the same "device" on their shoulders than every other human beeing
Wrong. They have different eyes, different skin, different height and musculature. Different earwax.

Why do you fight the idea that they have different brains, are the implications that scary to you?

| >>192085 few differences in appearance don't mean anything. And every person on earth has different brains that isn't new. In general races are nothing more than a social construct

| >>192098 I'll go the social construct way. Just because we're wired up the same doesn't mean we are the same. Culturally Asians are entirely too different from Europeans and the isolation that took place in that region shows it quite well.

| >>192098
>social construct
Straight out of the SJW playbook. You yourself admit people have different brains so why can't the average Asian brain be different from the average black brain? The information is not evil, it is what you do with it.

| >>192102
Culture is a product of the minds of people. Culture is a cop-out, the lukewarm fence-sitter's position.

| >>192105 you know your position isn't supported by any mainstream scientists and biologists right? Ideas like that were discarded as pseudo scientific after WW2

| >>192102 culture differences arise because of specific upbringing and environment. It has nothing to do with genetics

| >>192108
No, they were discarded as "politically unsavoury". Any biologists that try to discuss it get shot down immediately by the power structures your so-called " 1%" own and the scientists career is over. There have been no credible studies disproving earlier theories, they just threw the baby out with the bathwater and said IQ is not a good measure of general intelligence, without presenting anything better.

The sooner we stop pretending race doesn't exist the better.

| >>192109
And environment determines genetics. If env chooses culture it follows that environment shapes the physical properties of a group just the same as it shapes the memes.

| >>192109 Sadly this is plain wrong, for example it is
known that serotonin transporter gene variant prevalence correlates with individualism/collectivism in human societies http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2009/10/27/rspb.2009.1650

I feel really sad for old left/marxists/socialsts because I like their ideals (happiness and meaning for all), but they deny cricitcally important features of who we, humans, are and thus are destined for oblivion.

| >>192406 There is a need in new objectively grounded utopian ideology. The goals should be utilitarian/lefty, i.e. maximization of human welfare, but the method should be rational and scientific. Animalistic baseline human nature should be acknowledged and characterized in all important dimensions. Optimal environments/education protocols/work gamification protocols should be derived and studied in controlled experiments. Progress should be made.

| >>192109
This. Anyone who dealt with people of "diffrent cultures" living on the sea or in the mainland, in warm or cold climatic zones, in thr mountains or flatlands, in desserts or swamps, in urban area or countryside, understands where culture comes from and where the real differences and similiarities are. Modern Nations are political constructions where cultures artificially were constructed by romantic artists in the cities that had no idea why things are how they are.

| >>192085
Please learn distinguish betwen genotype and phenotype.
No one said that there are no differences. It's just that you overestimate their role plus you have ridicolous ideals about it.

| >>192406
Humans are what they want to be, as long:
- they have enough to eat and
- have a roof over their heads as an place to sleep
First comes eating than morale. It's an oldschool socialist/communist saying.
This are the basic needs: eating, sleeping (and probably fucking) humans have in common with animals. Everything else is up to us.

| >>192510
No I think you underestimate the role. And now you are backpedaling. If genetics play a role, however small, then racism (by true definition, not the Marxist buzzword) is justified.

| >>192515
A cripple will never walk, a boy will never be a girl. Reality is not an RPG where you get to choose your traits, some things are are born with whether you like it or not.

| >>193724
>A cripple will never walk
Have you ever seen Paralympics?
>a boy will never be a girl
Did you ever hear about transgender?
>Reality is not an RPG where you get to choose your traits, some things are are born with whether you like it or not.
And who are you, to tell people how they have to deal with the way they are born? Are you afraid of something? What is your mission? Are you a religious zealot? How does it harm you if a boy wants or tries to be a girl?

| >>193724
>Reality is not an RPG where you get to choose your traits,
Reality is not any other type of game where you are the gamemaster to tell people what they are allowed to do or not to fit in your fixed worldview. Also consider that your primitive biologism can easily turned against you. I think you basically have low confidence and need to command other people arround to deal with your own inabilities, instead solving your problem.

| How many toes are stabbed in a day?

| >>194618
Transgender people do not "change" to the other gender they just crosssplay while being mentally ill.

Who am I to tell a man he cannot be an inchworm or my conjoined twin? Im sure they will invent a cure for your unfortunate retardation eventually. Until then, keep spouting platitudes and denying reality.

| >>195220 girly trap bois are best thing since sliced bread and you will not change my mind.

| >>195252
You being a faggot doesn't change the fact that they are gender pretenders not scientific marvels.

| >>195279 If a person feels the most comfortable being another gender where is the problem exactly?

| >>195286
Because they expect other people to call and treat them according to their own delusions. If you personally think you are a battleship then that is your own issue, but don't expect me to indulge your fantasies.

| >>195307
Ok, then from now on I'll call and treat you as the "asshole" I think you are. If you think you're an equal human beeing >then that is your own issue, but don't expect me to indulge your fantasies.
How do you think about it, asshole?

| >>195307
Oh and btw. what is about your "crippled never walk" statement regarding Paralympics, asshole?
Why only focus on the gender question, asshole? Do you have probably issues with your own, asshole?


| *sigh* so much pointless bickering. Any argument that relies on insulting or merely discrediting has no logical validity. Each statement should be on its own merits, not based on who said it, which ideology it belongs to, or any stigma therefore associated. If we're gonna actually make some progress here, first, we all need to change how we discuss things.

| >>196145
If two people say the same thing, they can mean something totally diffrent, even contradictionary. Also if two people say something diffrent, which even appears contradictionary, can mean the same thing. Language is a bitch.

| >>196145
You complain about ideology, while proclaim ideology.
>logical validity
>make some progress
>should be
>we all need to

| >>3c6e62
Hey asshole where are you? Did I hurt your feelings? Are you crying now? I'm wating for answers to >>195716 and>>195719 , asshole!

| >>195716
I don't care, if you choose to be a dick that is on you. These are not the same thing at all but I guess the pubescent userbase can't be held to a higher standard here.

| >>197305
Ah interesting, if YOU got offended, the others are the dicks, but if YOU offend others you are just the good lonely fighter for truth and realism.
The fact that i continue discussing with you is just because i give not up that you finally wake up from your dream. I am not intereste din gender discussions, since I think its a waste of time, but what you said about "cripples will never walk" is so disgusting. How can one speak so without realize the assholeishness of it?

| >>197320
Dude your autism is showing

| >>197765
Ah, you just pathologize everything you don't like to see. I think you are the one with serious psychological issues here. Pls. do everyone (not at least including yourself) a favour and go to a therapist.

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