Post number #1049687, ID: d4fa14
And I love having elon musks willy in my bum bum owo
Post number #1049723, ID: 48dea7
cool story. source?
Post number #1049729, ID: 4b0009
Literally no one cares. Stop polluting cyberspace
Post number #1049769, ID: 0582e5
Big if true
Post number #1049784, ID: d4fa14
Elon micropenis in trumps arse
Post number #1050078, ID: 9d71a5
Hi Donald I am dad
Post number #1050096, ID: e89989
>>1049729 Imagine simping for someone named Donald Cuck
Post number #1050124, ID: 56c63c
>>1049729 if you're american, you should care that your "land of the free" is obviously becoming a russian satellite state but ok let's ignore and let's keep simping for orange man! Yippie!!! Wowie doobie doo!!! Let's goooo!!!!
Post number #1050131, ID: e988ed
It’s ok to be a cuck if you have self respect and understand you are not just your sex drive but can enjoy life more than that!
Yeah you said it g/u/rl I’m supposed to move to Europe right? I’m pretty scared I’ve never been outside much, how do I find a career there? Can I have nice kids and they get a good safe happy education and career too? What baby steps to take? Who do I ask when more questions happen?
Total number of posts: 9,
last modified on:
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1743200235
| And I love having elon musks willy in my bum bum owo