There are only 2 politics

| Anticentrism or Centrism.
You're either an anarchoauthoritarian communofascist or you're a god damn fence sitting centrist.

| >>1048322 awful degenerate scum, or human. Got it thanks

| >>1048322 I'm a dynamic extremist Centrist.
I think all ideologies and political systems should be tried in "city-state political experiments".
You'd have a nazi city over there, a communist community over that hill, a cyberpunk neo-liberal port there, a xenosatanist village over here, oh, I tremble with excitement!!
Let's try everything!!

| With how people tend to purity test all the time (mostly left) It's natural that all the non-radical get kick out

| I think I’m in between them

| >>1048414 we do a little trolling lmao

| Hehehe :3

| >>1048446
my political alignment is whatever makes people mad

| >>1048580 basically anything now lmfao

| I'm a jreg

| hear me out, I think that the earth may be a sphere

| >>1048322
nice try (no), illiterate g/u/rl.
take yourself to study stuff, and stop make mistakes and bring rubbish of own-production terms

| Hug?? U better show more respect for illiterate g/u/rls!!

| anyways JFK files are finally out

| >>1049009
and why should anyone care about your meme bait?

| >>1049009 it doesn't matter, it's just glowie psyop, it always is
Probably files that are already altered and "edited". Yawn.

| Both are the exact same too one skins you from the ankle up and the other from the ear down

| diagonal

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1742427168

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