Chinese hackers have been sitting on the U.S. power grid for nearly a year, waiting for the order to turn off the lights.
Post number #1048200, ID: 87d56e
The Volt Typhoon hacking group hacked into Littleton Electric, which has supplied power and water to towns in Massachusetts for more than 100 years. The hackers were inside the system for an entire year, gathering information and preparing a beachhead to attack the infrastructure.
Post number #1048201, ID: 87d56e
The hack was thanks to the asshole IT guys who stupidly didn't update the firmware on the Fortinet device, even though the patch had been available since December 2022.
CISA and the FBI only came to their senses a year later and began to hunt down the hackers. The hack was so serious that they had to completely change the architecture of the network, or else the Chinese could leave the whole city without power and water at any moment.
Post number #1048202, ID: 87d56e
The feds are pretending that no data was compromised, but the attack was clearly prepared "for a rainy day". The PRC authorities, of course, deny everything.
In short, the cyberwar is already underway, and Chinese hackers are already sitting in many systems, quietly waiting for the order to press the right button.
Post number #1048203, ID: 6af833
one, source, two, if you're enough of a dumbass to connect your turbines to the internet, you deserve to get stuxnet'd
Post number #1048205, ID: 7b9a32
how did they detect it though
Post number #1048209, ID: c7efb8
assuming this is what op is talking about
Post number #1048219, ID: eb2f47
The hackers doing god’s work
Post number #1048220, ID: f3d61a
glowies changed their tune from "you should have nothing to hide" to "USE ENCRYPTED APPS NOW" reaaaal quick lmao
Post number #1048221, ID: f3d61a
me and alma are rolling in our nonexistent graves
Post number #1048222, ID: eb6945
I bet they’re sexy Chinese hackers
Post number #1048235, ID: 6ad87f
Good sissy trained chinks riding on the pink dragon dildo, feed on only cum and waiting patiently for a whole year to be uncaged.
Post number #1048239, ID: c0b0c1
/new/ with you, g/u/rl! save the /u/ for shitposts and wholesome posts
Post number #1048450, ID: 687155
| Here is a Chinese version of the Volt Typhoon.
Post number #1048474, ID: b49f5a
>>1048235 uhm, Xi didn't like your post g/u/rl... he told me you have to delete your post
Post number #1048479, ID: 83a8d3
I want to take xi for a walk on a leash and make him cum really hard and he goes back to work extra energized and makes China super prosperous!!
Total number of posts: 15,
last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1742063995
The Volt Typhoon hacking group hacked into Littleton Electric, which has supplied power and water to towns in Massachusetts for more than 100 years. The hackers were inside the system for an entire year, gathering information and preparing a beachhead to attack the infrastructure.