When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.

| https://i.imgur.com/kaxPRaW.mp4

| I'm not clicking another link on this site

| >>1047813
Smart, but it's imgur.com so it's safe.

| >empire
i think you libs deserve everything you get

| The chuds should have seen this coming.
The Era of USA it's over. It's time to relax and focusing on improving the lives of people and stop meddling with global politics or getting into proxy wars.

| >>1047844
Lol, it's not USAs fault your life sucks so much. It's your own politicians and the ultra-wealthy in your country who sets the standard for your life.

| >>1047844 Get Putins balls out of your mouth

| >>1047845 >>1047847 silence, fed

| >>c09843 >>82b7d2 I'm not american tho

Althou I recommend US to stop doing what >>1047847 said

| for some reason the retards thinking it's more important to say what is morally correct first rather than doing what literally any person who does a negotiation do. terminally online virtue signaling isn't the same as multinational peace negotiation.

| >>1047850 Better a fed than selling my moral backbone to the FSB

| >>1047891 choosing arsenic over strychnine, how based and darkwoke of you

| >>eb31a7
you need to get out more

| I just want cheep bulk protein again. Eggs are like a second mortgage now

| retarded rightoids lmao

| >>1048212 chud

| >>1048230
triggurd chud

| >>1048238 chudaloid

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1741912864

This thread is closed.