Okay, in this thread we get POLITICAL and we vent our POLITICAL SHIT
Post number #1047119, ID: a7a0f0
So we shit here our POLITICAL SHIT, and we swear to not get political in the other boards. Understood? Yes. Now get it out of your chest, GET POLITICAL
Post number #1047120, ID: a7a0f0
I will start myself by saying this:
EVERYTHING IS GROOMING When people raise their children to be "trad" and "conservative" or to follow a specific religion, that's not natural. That is grooming. It happens everyday. Human civilization, and therefore, every society and nation is literally built on grooming.
So, when some people are against "woke grooming", they are against one of the ways people groom their children. But they do it too, they do grooming too.
Post number #1047121, ID: a7a0f0
And I personally prefer science-based grooming, grooming that lead children to be critical and avoid prejudice and division. I prefer grooming that involves secularism and general dismission of religions, replacing them with stronger ideas that are more meaningful, like with secular philosophy and humanism.
People even as adults are groomed. All the time.
In the end, I think the phrase "You're not immune to propaganda" Should be known instead as "You're not immune to grooming"
Post number #1047136, ID: 879b4a
LoL didn't read
Post number #1047137, ID: 96c44c
I'm a contrarian and I did read it all.
Post number #1047155, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047137 thanks gurl
Post number #1047156, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047136 I'm going to groom you into a good reader gurl
Post number #1047166, ID: 3ce58d
I didn't read either, Is this about how children are hotter than old women?
Post number #1047175, ID: 474ec5
I feel a little bad being too controversial in here because of recent events, but I’ve had that thought too g/u/rl! And a lot of the ‘no being sexual’ is just bullying to make people not get to live and smile.
You do want to avoid disempowering children though and some grooming does that, like when they aren’t allowed to make informed decisions because they’ve been told ‘X is the way the world is!’ But sometimes you still have to like with not letting them rape.
Post number #1047176, ID: 474ec5
But no really good thought! I have been inspired though both by the Bible and Muslim martyrs. Religion and folk tales have narratives in them which can be really important even if not literally true. But it should be defended on that basis, its specific points being correct, not as a whole, and not based on gods or whatever. I also worry a lot of what religion gets attacked for it actually is right for- like saying to attack people if you think they’re bad, and to restrain yourself
Post number #1047196, ID: 289566
If we kill the ultra rich then every single person in the entire world will become apathetic and lose their meaning in life.
Some brainlet tardo was genuinely saying this in /u/.
Post number #1047201, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047175>And a lot of the ‘no being sexual’ is just bullying to make people not get to live and smile. I agree with you completely on this. I also think informing children is much better rather than leaving them in the dark/ignoring certain topics >>1047176 Hmm... I think some religious tales can be benefitial sometimes or certain contexts but I personally believe secular tales can be even better and safer, since there is no dogmatic rules/beliefs attached to them
Post number #1047202, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047196 I don't know why would a person believe such a thing or defend ultra rich people that hoard wealth without trying to help humanity What use is wealth and riches if they are not being used properly/or to help humanity?
Post number #1047208, ID: 873b9e
>>1047196 this is a glossy overly simplified quote intended to mislead the reader
Post number #1047261, ID: 474ec5
Do you like yuval noah harari? I’ve been listening to his new audiobook and I think he’s close to the truth but a lil off. He says some things are better for organizing people but untrue, so they end up Happening til they crash because they can’t adjust, but if you go with the pure truth you just can’t motivate large groups together. Idk it makes me feel a lil sad. It’s his new book I’ve been listening to, I want to read his others.
Post number #1047262, ID: 474ec5
>>1047201 Big thought- the anti sexuality/happiness is sometimes right because it’s one sided the happiness, like you see how happy people are on drugs/ with lovers but you don’t see when they come down/ when their lover leaves them/ society when people don’t have children. I still think much of it is bad but I think that’s the framework to look at repression- it’s good for really one sided stuff. But then sometimes you need to focus on the good to drive forward.
Post number #1047263, ID: 474ec5
That’s what bad grooming is part of- when people see how much fun they can have not studying for instance but don’t see or understand the sad homeless life it leads to. I wish like in action movies they were required to show the effects of violence on people in an emotional way, but that robs their ability to give an experience. I think I’m close to the truth but I just feel confused. I wish I could consider everyone and everything at once and I’m worried by focusing/ignoring
Post number #1047266, ID: 5a9bb2
no politics here!
Post number #1047268, ID: 474ec5
Like I can be brought to support anything by just focusing on one thing. Like with russia/ukraine I’m scared if we beat pitler those in power in America will abuse the shit out of everyone and we’ll have no recourse. But it feels irresponsible to me to not stand up to torture and all the horrors of pitler. I think the answer has to be ‘support little positive changes together’ so you don’t get separated and weak but I’m always scared the changes I’m allowed to make are only local imp
Post number #1047269, ID: 474ec5
Rovements with huge worsening right after them. Like how you can improve your grades by staying up all night Before an exam but once you make it a law to stay up all night you’re fucked. And if you try to get rid of that law people will attack you for trying to hurt everyone and the caffeine lobby will pay people to hurt you.
Post number #1047270, ID: 474ec5
And inaction doesn’t work either here because it’s the same thing- maybe you see that society gets worse from defeating pitler so you don’t attack him, but behind that what you didn’t see is that the damage of pitler is much worse than the damage of centralizing global power. But I can’t tell and the stakes are so high, and I can’t really do much.
The politics g/u/rl is in charge and she says it’s ok
Post number #1047296, ID: a7a0f0
>>474ec5 You're a cute g/u/rl, as long as you trust yout heart and re-enforce your values, you will live a life you won't regret. Don't worry too much about the bad things happening. Sure, it's very IMPORTANT to notice them and think how to improve things around you,but at the end of the day, the answer really is as you said >support little positive changes together And try your best, one day at a time, one step followed by the next.
Should the worst be near you, please take care
Post number #1047297, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047271 Yeah I say it's okay
Post number #1047298, ID: a7a0f0
Speaking of the Russia/Ukraine war, I just want to say I FUCKING HATE war. So many lives, so many cute humans that could live happy, meaningful lives in peace, to be cut from the beauty of life, caused by... By what? By who? With no real, valuable purpose that even tries to justify this bloodbath... I've always loved the people from Russia and Ukraine, I won't stop loving. Because I love humanity. But, alas... Nonsensical Tragedy and Murder surround them...
Post number #1047346, ID: 09c9ff
US politics has devolved into a parody of what it once was. This is what we all deserve. God will not forgive us, and our empire will fall in the funniest way possible.
Post number #1047364, ID: 474ec5
>>1047346 I think if God didn’t build us up to succeed I don’t forgive her either, and if I have no ability to fix ‘our’ empire, it’s not my empire. >>1047298 That’s really true they are super cute and lovable I like how they have tea parties and eat root vegetables which are kinda quirky.
>>1047296 Aww thanks. I still feel worried. But I liked hearing that. I’m not in any danger but I worry I’ll never put myself in any when i ought to, or I’ll fuck ip and make things worse
Post number #1047365, ID: 474ec5
Politics thought I had: Boomers get blamed for having a socialist society and trashing it, but if they did, are good things sustainable? If unions for instance were so good but allowed themselves to be destroyed, are they worth bringing back? Even if returning to the supposed better times helps people, weren’t they put us right back here?
Post number #1047370, ID: 6fd1d0
I think doomerism is fatalistic bullshit that amounts too "I am going to resist by doing nothing and let the bad guys colonialize my mind while I huddle in fear."
Just a form of obedience
Post number #1047378, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047346 I feel you g/u/rl...
>>1047364>...if God didn’t build us up to succeed I don’t forgive her either, and if I have no ability to fix ‘our’ empire, it’s not my empire Very interesting viewpoint, I like it! Although, from my secular pov, a single person should not bear the weight to repair an entire empire, it's clearly a huge task for a big group of humans, working together, hopefully
Also, I'm glad you're not in danger! Take care your life and be safe gurlie
Post number #1047379, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047365 hmmm I personally think all systems can be fragile and collapse Even the most authoritarian and restrictive nation can become something else entirely if the right conditions appear So it may not be a question of "is it worth it?" but a question of "is this or that system the most suitable for us in this context and moment of time?"
And if we achieve a good state/system, how do we protect it from collapsing? Doing our best to make it stable, succesful,
Post number #1047380, ID: a7a0f0
..., helping the people, educating them, etc. Of course, nothing last forever, but we can try to make it longstanding!
Post number #1047381, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047370 I dislike doomerism as well, I prefer optimism! But about being "colonized", I think it's another form of doomerism Of course, we should protect culture and share it, and it's actually quite a strong aspect of a nation's soft power! So that's why, when immigrants come to a country, you should try to perpetuate it through them and their offspring (without forcing it ofcourse) That way, your culture will be strong!
You could consider taking other cultures's elements too
Post number #1047382, ID: a7a0f0
>You could consider taking other cultures's elements too If you want to or consider it benefitial!
Post number #1047493, ID: f6f648
>>1047364 Absolutely.
>>1047370 The remedy to doomerism is community. Hard to be nihilistic when you have the homies. I only see things getting worse in the near future, but once we weather the storm I’m hoping we can forge a new path and create a more egalitarian society.
Post number #1047520, ID: a7a0f0
>>1047493 So true bestie, I hope so too, let's wait for the rain to end so we can enjoy the sun after that! Everyone will play a part in making this world a better one, all g/u/rls should try their best!
Post number #1047525, ID: 474ec5
>>1047370 I think that’s really true. I think people who are possessed by evil intentions often push it too, but it’s important to point out failures in efforts and narratives, but only when it is useful and can lead to even better efforts in other directions.
I’ve been listening to this book more and harari was talking about how most drama tells ‘biological stories’ like of people finding mates or competing with siblings or outsiders because we’re wired to find them motivating.
Post number #1047527, ID: 474ec5
I think that’s what I liked about Christianity was the idea of being brothers and sisters and sacrificing for your big family who love you. I think that feeling is really important because I feel like in my mind I have a disconnect between ‘I want to be good to others and make my life useful’ and ‘i don’t give a shit none of this matters I wish I could fight someone or fuck or feel something’ because I’m sort of not relating my morals/politics to an impulsively appealing story.
Post number #1047563, ID: 23dd26
danger/u/ the socialist society
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| So we shit here our POLITICAL SHIT, and we swear to not get political in the other boards. Understood? Yes.
Now get it out of your chest, GET POLITICAL