Fuck it

| Beat up facists in the streets, throw transphobes and bigots into oncoming traffic.

| They wouldn’t do that to you!

| Source?

| 100% yes

| notice how a lot of anti-china bots stopped posting after usaid got cut?
that's how you can tell op genuinely is this much of a bitter, misanthropic bitch

| Where were they? My friends are still really anti Pitler. That stuff scares me a lil.

| >>1042897 I'm okay with the facist part but "transphobes and bigots" need to be given a fucking megaphone. Retards need to hear the truth

| I will personally put a trans person on every position of power so the world can get infinitely gayer, queer(er), and hornypilled.
Like, let's go fucking wild and legalize public nudity and public sex

| >>1043006 guns exist

| >>1042996
I think a lot of fascists were good and people need to stop using Nazi as an insult for being racist or white(use it as an insult for following terrible leadership/supporting structures which lead to that)-like I love Werner von Braun-BUT I think bigots and transphobes and the power worshipping and distain for others feelings is really bad and those groups should be particularly harmed (and include a good number of fascists but not all) and I hope op feels cool and strong

| >>1043006
Problem is everyone doesn’t want each other, so the sexy get all the love and the lonely are only taunted more, and also energy used on sexual signaling will be increased so the train engineer will be going into the passenger carriage to flex, and males will be fighting over girls all over the place

| >>1043023 I think we should beat you to death

| >>1043037
I think that would be bad because did you know the bearing to death places are actually very bad and sad. A search for the term in the news reveals one such place to be prisons in Alabama where black people are tormented and torment each other and are poor and never make anything good.

| But that doesn’t mean there aren’t other good ways to apply state violence against me! You could peacefully euthanize me or arrest me in one of those rehabilitation prisons if it works after due process of law if you have evidence doing so would be useful. I hope you get your happy country.

| >>1043025 actually, the battle for sexy attention would make it so, that the attractiveness competition would be off the charts, forcing the "unchosen" ones to unite and fund super science projects to advance cosmetic/gender tech and surgeries. Perhaps it may even go the virtual way and we may get Full Dive Virtual Reality sooner

So it's a win win!

| >>1043046
That would be so happy! I want everyone to be sexy and have happy sex with each other if we have sex!

They haven’t done that now though and they already know about sex. But I’ll send the super science projects $10 when I know how! Let’s all be happy one day!

| the fags can't get their mind off identity politic, take your med and look at thing with a reason for once teddy

| This is a very negative way to speak. I hope you will say sorry and gimme a kiss!

| >>1042976 Is that Elon's plan for getting rid of the botting problem on twitter? :O

| >>1043043 Personally I want to use state violence to force all of you g/u/rls to come to my place and watch anime from the early 2000s.

| :0 I’m going to wear cat ears!

| >>1043057 well said g/u/rlie!! I feel the same!

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1739058944

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