Half-good new Polish Chat Control proposal to be discussed on Wednesday

| There is now a new proposal for chat control that differs significantly from the previous ones. It aims to make the current transitional regulation of voluntary scanning permanent. However, this regulation is also controversial. The core of the new proposal is that the current transitional solution of voluntary scanning should become permanent. Large parts of the transitional solution appear to have been copied into the new proposal.

| However, Articles 7-11, which describe the scanning obligation, are no longer included in the text.

At the same time, scanning is classified as "prevention" in the new text. This classification raises the question of whether encrypted services can even implement sufficient measures to minimize risk without having to scan.

| The draft also includes the controversial scanning of unknown material as well as age verification and network blocking.
The text also contains an evaluation provision.

According to this, the EU Commission could decide after three years whether it is now technically and legally possible to scan all communication - including encrypted communication - after all.


| >users would no longer be able to set up anonymous e-mail or messenger accounts or chat anonymously without needing to present an ID or their face
the eternal polack

| >>1042700
there is no way theyre gonna be able to enforce that lol

| They need a great firewall like Russia and to be really strong like Pitler then they could stop any ideas! I think they can do it if they’re real men and just ban outside unencrypted information

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1738719675

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