Post number #1042535, ID: c78929
How do you even begin to explain to a normie that the dipshit reddit nerds running the American government follow the ideas of the cathedral as proposed by a guy who called himself fucking Moldbug? Without sounding deranged
Post number #1042536, ID: c78929
Watching this unfold over a decade makes me feel like Cassandra and I hate it
Post number #1042544, ID: 24436d
We just gotta pray it all burns down eventually All Walls Will Fall !!!
Post number #1042605, ID: 2a9d5e
They don’t though
Total number of posts: 4,
last modified on:
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1738640584
| How do you even begin to explain to a normie that the dipshit reddit nerds running the American government follow the ideas of the cathedral as proposed by a guy who called himself fucking Moldbug? Without sounding deranged