80% Of AI Porn Addicts Would Marry Their AI Girlfriends If It Were Legal
Post number #1042329, ID: 8e199a
EVA AI, a platform allowing you to create and connect with your own AI partner, recently surveyed 2,000 neckbeards and found that 8 in 10 would consider marrying an AI girlfriend if it were legal. Not only that, but 83% of losers also believe they could form a deep emotional bond with an AI girlfriend.
Post number #1042330, ID: 8e199a
What's even scarier is that a whopping 78% of the creeps surveyed said they would consider creating a replica of their ex, and three-quarters would duplicate their current partner to create a "polished" version of them.
Yeah, the survey was run by an AI company. Occam's razor says the result is heavily influenced by selection bias.
Post number #1042332, ID: 47a9ee
>>1042329 how can you form a deep emotional bond with a large language model...? people can't seriously be that horny?
Post number #1042346, ID: 8e199a
>>1042332 I have no idea. I'm not even sure the presentation is truthful considering the AI company is the one who published the study. They don't define "if they could". Did they mean if the AI girlfriend was a real person? This is basically asking if they would ever get married if they met their dream partner. Not exactly revealing information.
Post number #1042354, ID: 674aa1
Ok but what if a LLM was a better parent than you? Would you let them raise your children? No emotional instability, there all the time, huge knowledge…
Post number #1042374, ID: 82cb52
Nothing new, remember the guy who married Rainbow Dash and the Miku dude in Japan?
Post number #1042375, ID: 0e0e8c
What's the problem? If they want to sit in their rooms calling a robot their wife it's not harming anybody else.
Post number #1042412, ID: c3b767
>>1042375 the problem is the wives are closed proprietary corpware when they should be foss
Post number #1042525, ID: 60a4c2
>>1042375 The problem, presumably, is that they are unlawfully sharong sensitive data of their partners/exes without theor consent to refine the LLM used for these things. That and it os a social dead end that isolates people for 5-50 years, or until tje
Post number #1042665, ID: 0fe8cc
>>1042412>>1042525 Best case of use would be people that run their AI partners locally and that they do not make an "AI copy" of existing humans then I'd be very happy sticking to those guidelines, plenty of room to play and have fun with the llms
Post number #1042898, ID: 44037b
Ai is terrible
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last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1738881078
| EVA AI, a platform allowing you to create and connect with your own AI partner, recently surveyed 2,000 neckbeards and found that 8 in 10 would consider marrying an AI girlfriend if it were legal. Not only that, but 83% of losers also believe they could form a deep emotional bond with an AI girlfriend.