Microplastics Found In the Brains of Mice Within Hours of Consumption

| A team of biologists have found that it takes microplastics consumed by mice just a few hours to reach their brains. "Wondering if the plastic in their brains was causing any impairment, the researchers tested several of the mice and found that many of them experienced memory loss, reductions in motor skills and lower endurance," reports Phys.Org.

| In studying the imagery they created, the researchers were able to watch as the plastics made their way around the mice's bodies, eventually reaching their brains. They also noted that the plastic bits tended to get backed up, like cars in a traffic jam at different points. In taking a closer look at some of the backups in the brain, the researchers found that the plastic bits had been captured by immune cells, which led to even more backups.

| https://phys.org/news/2025-01-microplastics-brains-mice-hours-consumption.html

Lead, asbestos and now this. Megacorps are killing us all in the name of profits.

| hell yeah i love eating tons of plastic om nom nom

| Isn't there some silkworm that eats plastoc and excretes freon or something?

| >>1042523 yes, put them in your brain.

| I don't want to read scary science articles about things that are outside my control :(

| >>1042663
then don't

| I wonder how they got their results. Behavioral?

| I think they killed the mice AFTER testing their behavior to look for the plastic so they could still test them I bet

| >>9507af

| >>1042695
Yup, they used 4 different behavioural tests. The open field test which compares their exploration abilities in an open field compared to control groups. The y-maze test which tests their working memory, their spatial memoryand their motor skills compared to control groups. The rotary test puts them in a device that occasionally rotates and will evaluate their motor coordination compared to control groups. The last is the hanging test where you let tne mice grab on to a

| a vertical bar with their paws until they fall in order to measure their coordination and endurance.

These tests are then repeatedly performed during a period of 28 days after injection with microplastic.

| Wow thank you!

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1738813259
