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Anyone else tired of anti woke content?

| Always people spewing out the same 200 videos everyday now ad nauseam for the last ten years. Feels like people that consume nothing but this bland outrage content are not happy and will find thier ability to enjoy things decreasing.

I don't like tolken diversity such as what blizzard do to cover up shitty practices but come on.

I guess due to the raw engagement algorithm on YouTube these videos make money and there is incentive to churn them out.

| I used to watch asmongold sometimes but all he does now is give rim jobs to the president of the United States and it's even more pathetic after Elon Musk shat all over him.

| The thing is that all of that content caters for an audience that is starved for approval. I'm extremely anti woke but the things people watch from these fuckheads is pure trash and lies. It's comparable to what the woke media puts out there in terms of quality. Hope you find some cool videos so you can clean up your algorithm. Also I usually delete recommended vids so I don't get more of that bs

| Just click "dont recomend me this channel". After 50-60 times it will stop to recomend you those vids.

| Yes and no. It's stuff that needs to be said but they do go a bit harder or less charitable than I would, but generally I'm ok with it as alot of stuff is very far left to the point of absurdity.

| It's just slop content now with most of its creators being aging gamergate hanger ons that are milking it for as much money as they can while they can still break bank churning daily videos out.

I'm willing to bet a couple of the creators still making this don't even believe politically in this stuff, just in it for the cash.

| It is encouraged by the engagement algorithm along with elsagate type videos for kids and low effect react youtuber shite.

| >>1041912 "gamergate" queue the inglorious bastards scene. I too be fair journos are equally shit and do the exact same thing

| The same thing that rotted their brains is rotting yours!!! The medium is the message! Don’t play tripple a games! Don’t interact with media personalities! Don’t engage with mainstream culture! Don’t watch YouTube!!!

| >>1042120 like i get it's a meme but also just genuinely good advice

| <3 thanks g/u/rl I actually believe it but probably I need to pair it with actually helping her replace these harmful influences. I know it can be tough to pick up reading for instance so I feel bad even recommending it. My bestie is trying to replace YouTube with reading and I’m messaging him every day but I think I need to read to him or something because it’s hard to change alone

| I just messaged him about it hopefully he’ll let me

| Audiobooks are an okay gateway

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1738283817

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