Post number #1041545, ID: 11c342
He will dictate orders and news talking points from x the everything app and your world leaders WILL LIKE IT!
Post number #1041546, ID: 11c342
They will lick the dog shit off his shoes if ordered because they long for his investments and gigafactories.
Post number #1041547, ID: 11c342
Billionaire class want to be like president Musk now. Seeing screaming orders, mandates and news cycle talking points from social media as the new way of doing things.
Post number #1041548, ID: 11c342
And if your pathetic country opposes rule by x the everything app then ze glorious American regime shall sanction you!
Hail musk and his glorious new regime!
Post number #1041651, ID: 364b8c
Elon Musk and Donald Trump are puppets of the Biden family. You cannot comprehend the infinite dimensional Gomoku game being played right now.
Total number of posts: 5,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1737923247
| He will dictate orders and news talking points from x the everything app and your world leaders WILL LIKE IT!