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Trump's agenda makes me want to kms

| Why the fuck an 80 year old bastard gets to decide whether I'm valid or not? I was just getting used to using my preferred identity and this drops. I am so fucking done.

| Need to bring back the activism the gay community used in the 1980s.

Don't give them a moment of rest, we are not going away!

| >>1040792 sorry, your identity is wrong, we are all g/u/rls and cats nya~

| You realize that they want you to feel hopeless and kms? And what you IDIOTS are doing is spreading, fueling and even memeing suicide instead of standing up for yourselves.

People only help people who help themselves so you desperatly need to grow out of this self-pity and KSM-bullshit or else no one is gonna miss you when you fuck off.

| You have 24 hours

| That's great gurl

| >>1040811
I’d miss her but because I know she’s got that fire in her you do too g/u/rl!!

I love all you g/u/rls and you’re valid to me and should be to yourself!

Keep acquiring power and spreading your ideas and genes (responsibly) and we will have the world one day!

| am i suicidal if as european i use kms in car? :(

| >>1040875
What’s a kms and how do you use it lovely euro g/u/rl?

| >>1040800 ...you mean... bringing back the forbidden group? You mean the group that is not related to lgbtq+ but were allies/friends in the beginning of the 80s?...

Please don't ban me or make disapear!!


| he ran for office, you didn't
skill issue honestly

| It's going very well I see

| Truly the dawn of golden age

| glory to america

| glory to america, glory to heroes

| never give up g/u/rlz <3 read leftist theory, organize, do everything they don't want us to do. the empire is collapsing but we'll still be here when it's gone

| >>1041057 actually I think we need kindness and leftist policies more than ever in human history, for we are about to witness the arrival of the Singularity

| >>1041108 lef- what? *EU drifting to right wing with US on all speed*

| Do it, kill yourself.

| Glory to America

| >>1041124 It's kinda funny I know, but I don't believe they'll get to extremist right-wing area, they simply are going to improve their defenses and military as a reaction to Russia's geopolitical behavior

| The demoralization is the point, babe.
Don't give in to the bastards.

| >>1041155
self-defense has nothing to do with right or left-wing politics

| >>1041232 exactly my point!

| >>1041232 In Europe i saw a lot leftists who are again defense because it costs money and they want good relation with Russia

| also there is a lot fake right wing who are left wing inside

| People have had enough of this troon bs, you're not the majority, you'll never be the majority, stop trying to tell normal people what is normal and what isn't.

| >>1041519 who, other than yourself or children, has ever claimed troons are the majority

| >>967f97
self-defense has nothing to do with right or left-wing politics and its painfully obvious you don't even know what those terms actually mean

| >>1041519
youre getting your information from far right echo chambers, you gullible weirdo. obviously youre gonna be mis-informed and wrong every single time you open your mouth.

| >>1041519 Anon comes to the forum where everyone refers to themselves as g/u/rlz, regardless of their sex, and then acts like the fun genders are being forced on them. Sounds to me like you’re seeking it out.

It’s okay, Anon. You’ll live your best chaser life one of these days.

| >>1041519 as a chaser myself, I support trans people. They deserve to have the human right to exist and the right to live their lives in they ways they want to live.

And you might not realize it, but people in the future (and in the present!) are going to change their form/body/gender, because Freedom of Form must be achieved, as it is a milestone for Humanity.

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1737903170

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