Post number #1040693, ID: bdd2eb
French people are ITALIAN!!! we’ll tell all the French people we think it’s part of Italy and they should go back! Hahahaha they’re going to be really upset and go no I’m not Italian- and we’ll call them a Provence of Italy!
Come on say it with me it’s going to be so epic! French people are Italian! French people are Italian!
Post number #1040705, ID: cc3ce0
>>1040693 don't be so straightforward we need make analysis first before we can say such thing
so... Italians like pizza France people also like pizza
France people have mediterranean sea Italians have too
Italians are in EU France are in EU
France have tower Italians have tower
fine i'm getting to results: Italians are France or France are Italians.. but don't worry, i will make another analysis odd=france are italians, even=italy are france 5=odd so France are Italians!
Post number #1040713, ID: 9a39d8
This is just a forced version of the mainland Taiwan/East Ukraine joke
Post number #1040769, ID: 6652e9
>>1040693 Hm.. What about if we say that americans is englishmen? Or in other hand, USA is Great Britain province? Mexicans are spaniards, etc? :ь
Post number #1040786, ID: bdd2eb
>>1040705 Oooh that’s really smart! You get the threads smart g/u/rl ribbon!
>>1040713 That’s what makes it funny!!!!!! >>1040769 No no GOOD try but this is really funny I figured it out g/u/rls. French people are ITALIAN! hahahaha
Okok I’m a little tired out now
Post number #1040808, ID: cc3ce0
>>1040786 thank you :D
Post number #1040812, ID: c3f0a4
>>1040786 Forced jokes are never funny, dipshit.
Post number #1040822, ID: 041bfb
risorgimento but retarded
Post number #1040845, ID: 6652e9
>>1040786 oh, ok, I'll try my best next time.
Total number of posts: 9,
last modified on:
Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1737494843
| French people are ITALIAN!!! we’ll tell all the French people we think it’s part of Italy and they should go back! Hahahaha they’re going to be really upset and go no I’m not Italian- and we’ll call them a Provence of Italy!
Come on say it with me it’s going to be so epic!
French people are Italian!
French people are Italian!