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| The tiktok ban has has backfired on the us as countless leftist zoomers flocked to rednote befriending Chinese users who where welcoming and lovely.

In fact more you learn about China it's a good country we've been lied too about by America propaganda.

Class consciousness is rising as people wake up to the bullshit the us system has taught them.

| Lol, why would you think that the Chinese social media influencers are not CCP shills? They are all over the internet.

For example the Social Credit System is real, just search Wikipedia and read the long ass article. It's just not as draconian as the Western media paints it sometimes. The truth is in the middle as usual..

| >We didn't kill anyone at Tienanmen Square, lol. Why would we kill our own students?

OP is a gullible rightoid.

| I hope none of you believe that those rando internet comments about tiktok and rednote are the truth. Seriously. People get PAID to post bullshit on CCCPs and Kremlins behalf.

| >>1040121
>In fact more you learn about China it's a good country
In China you can't say what you want. You can't belong to any religion. You can't criticize the government. Entire ethnic groups are being incarcerated and forcibly sterilized...
Are you really sure you want to put America up against China is a human rights pissing contest? Cuz China will absolutely win that one.

| (Not!)

| Ape boi ape boi ape boi ape boi where da source? Tiktok brain rot make you no read?

| As a leftist myself can we not lick the boots of China or Russia? We can do better than this, please begging leftists to grow some critical thinking skills beyond "US bad" campism crap.

| >>1040136
You're 100% right, but personally I think we should partly distance ourselves from the left-right scale; people attribute very different values to the concepts of right and left, and we must realize that it is more important to just ignore the labels and focus on what the positions actually are, and let people see them with whatever label they feel most comfortable with.

| To strictly label everything to left, right, or center leads to a static group, which in turn hampers open discussions, which ultimately makes improvements within the group rarely occur. Additionally, the group becomes unwilling to consider certain solutions to societal problems because the solution would have conflicted with left, right, or center principles.

| How many more people would vote for what's best for our society if they weren't part of a hateful dismissive camp, for instance? Quite a lot, I would say.

Also I don't get blaming "leftists" for this because it's the left-leaning who opposes subjucation and corruption whereas the people who label themselves right are openly more hateful and destructive. Almost all acts of mindless terror stems from right-wing "activists" after all.

| Nigroids

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1737061917

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