Trumps claims on Greenland

| G/u/rls what do you think?
I'm kinda scared. I really want to finish Uni before I'm send to defend Greenland from the yankee horde.
You think this shit is gonna go down?

| Is Greenland a country? I’ll protect you!!!!!! *hug tackle at teh screen knocking everything down!!!* ^^


| Source?

| i seriously doubt you'd put your life on the line for the sake of anything, much less the country in which you live, g/u/rl;. patriotism is not a virtue practiced by the board you inhabit.
we'll probably see you in a cafe in ankara or some other seoul next year, draft dodging like a good cosmopolitan

| Trumps full of shit. It's stupid noise and chaos like the last time when he bragged about wanting to invade Mexico.

Us is big but getting mired in multiple land wars with NATO countries would be suicide, these aren't Arab resistance fighters remember.

| >>1039166 Us would also get kicked the fuck out of NATO for attacking it's own allies and get thousands of troops slaughtered.

If anything biggest winner here would be Pitler and china

| Would be a bitter irony if he did do it after claiming to be the "anti war" guy

| I know he's been rambling about Canada and that alone would take over 500,000 US troops to occupy assuming they won.

| >>1039169 not if you kill all canadians first

| Trump wants to erase other countries' free healthcare, not satisfied enough with America's already bad situation, he wants to make it worse for others D:

| >>1039299
russian tactic
russian asset

| It's pure moronic noise to district everyone while the republican senators behind the scenes gut gay marriage and other stuff as we're distracted with "TRUMP SAID WHATS!!"

We fell for it in 2016 and are doing it again.

| >>1039299
aaaah that would be REALLY bad

| >>1039269 not the worst thing that could happen tbh

| trump is a distraction from all the fucked up shit the elites are doing behind the scenes. most of the democrats are now siding with republicans on really bad laws that only benefit the elite and harm everyone else and getting as many passed as possible while the media just stays mum about it

| >>1039563 cool

| >>1039563
the same thing is happening in my small northern country too. it's super-gay

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736611543

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