Boss violated privacy

| | Hi all. Long story short I had distant family come into my workplace and ask my boss a bunch of questions about me. The boss answered and now I'm paying for it. Is there anything I can do about this?

| Too bad, buddy *fuck your personal info*

| >>d8032c I have no enemy's. Bless your face.

| Is this news?
Is this politics?

| Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

| -chan!

| 嫐

| 嫐姦。

| It’s navigating the political system! I think we should help g/u/rls get drivers licenses and register to vote and do their taxes here too! Has everyone signed up to vote by mail in future elections? Google it for your district now!

| >>1033511 Unnecessery 0bamamaxing, fartum tacos

| >>1033515 get your Obama outta here! This ain't /lain/ b/u/ddy

| >>1033522 ama disapoinwed, please apologies nacho peenis fartbrain

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1732049275

This thread is closed.