If Russia wins in Ukraine

| >tensions will start mounting between NATO and Russia, since they’ve already said they want to annex other countries from the ex-USSR.
>NATO will become strengthened because Russia will appear more threatening, as we’ve already seen. NATO was brain dead before the war started, now it’s been reinvigorated.

| >Fascist parties in Europe that had to distance themselves from Russia before will be able to reverse their position, as a Russian victory would strengthen fascist ideology, just as the Françoise victory in Spain strengthened fascism in Europe.

| *francoist victory

| >because of future tensions between Russia and NATO, military spending in Europe will increase and Europe will become more militaristic

| >massacres by the Russian army will continue on the entirety of the Ukrainian territory, which will make Bucha look tame in comparison, the behavior that we’ve seen from the Russian army with rapes and torture of civilians will continue. Ukrainian language and culture will become gradually more erased, as we’ve seen in the occupied territories, where Russians killed civilians for speaking Ukrainian.

| The Fourth Reich will rise you say?
Good! That'll show'em those commies
Heil Deutscheland!!

| Russia will have to deal with years of terror attacks from pissed off Ukrainians I'd they win, it will be an Ireland situation for them.

| This outcome can be prevented if the west stops guzzling Russian propaganda, gets off their asses and supports ukraine otherwise deal with a far worse mess down the line.

I despise how this has been turned into a culture war football for shitty politicians or been forgotten about because Isreal/Palestine has become a hyper focused issue now.

| Also why trump can not be allowed to win in November because he will abandon ukraine and the west to glaze Pitler and Orbans asses while making the usa isolationist.

| One more thing, if you are a rightoid who preaches about how great western civilization is then you should stand against Russia and its anti western idealogy! Pitler is not your friend.

| >>1030162 same goes for tankies who want Russia to win thinking it won't strengthen fascism in Europe

| >>1030162 not that they care since they think fascism and liberalism are the same thing

| >>1029808
>the behavior that we’ve seen from the Russian army with rapes and torture of civilians will continue.
Proofs or you are a camel.
>as we’ve seen in the occupied territories, where Russians killed civilians for speaking Ukrainian.
Who "we", you and your neighbor?
Again.. proofs?

Learn the mat. part, g/u/rl!

And learn how to compare news from various "irons", critical thinking will help you.

Oh, that even not sawdust, but the known-substance splashing in your head

| >>1030223

| >>1030223 literally Bucha happened but ok somehow we pretend that the Russians haven't been doing insane shit since the beginning.
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented this pretty extensively

| There’s a pattern of russian bad behavior to their own people and the muslims they fought too, and they have lots of steppe people who love war crimes to it doesn’t need evidence I don’t think. I will vote against russia gurl. I hope western civilizations will be happy and do good. Keep telling the truth and take good care of yourself too!

| >>344755 real and true. Human rights are the most important thing we have. don't let tyrants on all sides take them away from you g/u/rl.

| >>1030259
//Sorry for my bad English.
>Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have documented this
I do not trust them.
What can I say, do not trust anyone! Even me. You said "documented", and they are international (do not be naive), but what about other side, maybe they also documented something?
And on the end cf. declared facts. No Identically? Someone lies.

Seeing their past "actions", before the current events, I am inclined not to trust them.

| >>1030267
I hope your dreams will be broken, the Hope will dies, then you opens your eyes and start to think critically.

>western civilizations..
Huh? Learn history, g/u/rl. And maybe you will not so pathetic.

| >>1030457 I am inclined to not trust russkies when they say that they are innocent given that they openly bragged about their massacres.
We have concrete proof that bucha happened and it's been documented. Russia is also a "Russia International" since it uses its media to spread its talking points.

Given the past history of russia (tsarist pogroms, soviet union, yeltsin drinking vodka) I am inclined not to trust any of them.

| Always encourage anyone no matter thier political stripes to go check out vatnik soup, does a fantastic job documenting figures compromised by Moscow.

| Total Ural Nuclear Exchange NOW!!!

| The funny thing about people that pretend that it's aboust the US military industrial complex or something is that they miss the fact that Obama literally was against sending weapons to Poroshenko, and didn't invade Syria because he didn't want to provoke Pitler lmao

Total number of posts: 23, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1729499966
