Diary thread!!!!!

| The only news I care about is how you g/u/rls are doing!!!!
I assume visa versa- so I'm gonna post what I'm doing and how I feel every time I can think of it in this thred!! Join me!

| Feeling tired. Getting a shower and maybe a nap.

| Need to get out of bed first. How has it been like 6 minutes since that last post. This is why I never achieve anything in my days for the time I spend sigh ~

| Ok heading to the bathroom

| Ok got distracted. Eating soup.

| fuck routers

| Soup finished. It was delicious. Started looking at homework. First part isn’t too bad. Shower time,

| Stalling on this home work. We have to make a grad school statement of purpose and I have no qualifications and my motivations and interests are embarrassing. Fuck it I guess ~

| Friend messaged me! : D
Printed out some things I need to read. Feeling depressed. Sleep probably a major factor.

| fapping my boner

| I am finishing up my helldivers cosplay for tomorrows big con! So excited! (kinda sad the game didnt go as well but characters are fun)

| Wow cool!
Ok class went well. Ate lunch. Kinda tired and depressed, thinking about what I have to do but it’s going ok. After my typing practice I’ll make a poster for my club and send some emails.

| Still on the typing. Feeling slightly horny

| Meeting friends went well. Going to get some rest. I think I actually should at least in some ways change as I want . Not sure.

| I feel more relaxed than I have in a long long time. Got out of bed and eating. I think I might be anti sex after all. I associate it with so much roughness and lack of connection.

| Just opened YouTube and was opening videos and then opening more videos but didn’t watch any. Now I feel upset. A lot of them were conflicty and scary

| fapping my boner again

| i have a headache and breathing is a little rough but i'm trying to not worry. im listening to velocity : design : comfort on my mp3 player

| I feel so fucking good after going to bed early. Frog toothpaste squeezer got here!!! It’s cute!!!!!!!

| Also dilly dallying and indigestion about class today.

| thinking about fapping my boner

| Day pretty good

| fapping >>156dbd's boner

| Feeling nervous and a lil horny about my lack of schedule the rest of the day and due assignments

| day was decent, but not concentrated in school. consuming youtube videos instead of studying for exam or programming.

| It's 2am right now. Me and my sister are taking the entire week off to relax at grandma's house. Grandma's asleep, and my sister and i are just vibing to whatever music we play while browsing the web in the same room. It's nice, conversation is comfy too.

| Yeah at least 3 hours today I can’t really account for. Excited for reading, anime, family time tomorrow

| >>1027422 :) thanks buddy

| Woke up. New Chinese smart band says I didn’t get much deep sleep. Turned on the advanced features. Taking my war on tired all the way to the bitter end

| Diary #1 : lain live is on the way but i need to fix the new fucking servers latency. Need to buy a lot of shit

| Let's all love lain!

I'm excited to go to bed at a good time tonight. not really excited about most other things though. Nap?

| The yellow color of butter can vary significantly based on the cow's diet. Cows that graze on green grass produce milk with more beta-carotene, which gives butter a richer yellow color compared to cows fed dried hay or grains.

| Oh! Oooh!! It said DIARY thread not DAIRY thread. My bad~

| >>1027507
That's OK! That is something you care about or in your day too!

Anyway I feel OK after getting a meal with my dad. The command strip I used to hang my backpack just fell off the wall. I still didn't talk to my dad about anything really meaningful, but in a way I appreciate how he lives a pleasant life balancing the trancendent with everyday desires, and enjoying a good lifestyle. I still don't know what to think myself, if I can really live truth.

| Feeling nauseous. My day saw nothing achieved, or almost nothing. My life feels wasted. I’m up too late. I spend my days on shit I don’t think really matters, and I don’t think I can achieve what does matter.

| fapping my boner

| >>1027541

that sucks. what /do/ you think matters? maybe you can find something you would like to do and follow through with it.

| Met up with a friend and really good old physics teacher : )
It’s great how much they care and really believe in themself and others. I really admire that. Need to cook now. A little tired.
thanks gurl. I’ve gotten so much support and good advice on here before I have all screenshotted. I do care about using my major to improve the world, but idk what I can really do right now. I have 150 things on my to do list I think are good, but it all seems like bullshit sometimes.

| Today was a good day. I was sleeping in when I was awaken by a phonecall from someone I don't know too well but have been getting closer to lately. She called to ask me if I wanted to go for a walk, which I did, so I ate breakfast and cleaned myself up before going for this 3½ hour walk around a lake where we talked about life, movies, everything, etc. It was chill and very comfy and the weather was great.

| After that I started making lunch a soon as I got home, then I played online games with two former classmates for 4-5 hours, then I made burgers for dinner before meeting up with my childhood friends for our weekly TTRPG session and then it's now and I'm gonna go to sleep after such a busy but chill day. Good night y'all!

| >>1027582
It was interesting talking to them. I liked my comparison to his class to being a wolf in a pack running after a deer. After I got home, I did a little laundry, but I feel like the hours just evaporated again for the most part. I know I was reading wikipedia for a while. I cooked while listening to 'the g code' and yeah it got me amped up, but it also disgusts me. I need to stop listening to things I really don't believe in. The problem is more that I don't believe.

| But IDK I do think there are some good things for me tonight- finishing these posters, getting this food away, and a nice early bedtime.

| >>1027587
That's so nice and social of you. I bet you really made their days better.

| fapping my boner

| Got up. Enjoyed my usual social media hour but gotta get a move on!

| i hate my job so much. i wish they paid me less so i could justify quitting

| I’m tired. I need to rest

| thinking about fapping my boner

| haha I just did myself. hmph I didn't meaningfully rest when I got home. I need to do my homework and get to bed early now.

| Up too late : ( just need to turn this thing in

| Up too late- I got it in! feeling good ^^
I think when I'm feeling good I'm usually away from here so I end up doom posting. I really love this site and the posts I make on it though. I think it's more the time i spend elsewhere, though really it would be better if this site tied into my goals more

| >>27942a
I initially thought I was gonna pass on this thread but I've really enjoyed reading about your day and thoughts so far. Keep it up and don't let toxic people dull your sparkle, homie.

| Awww thanks!! You’re really nice too: )

At school. Got up really late and missed study session with classmate, which I feel bad about. Still need to do the posters. Was feeling kinda good after class but kinda just want to go home right now. Reminded of bocchi the rock which I saw a few episodes of yesterday. Cute show : ) I’m going to work til 7. We’ll see : )

| Diary #2 almost done with the site. reworked almost all of it in the past 4 days

| Wow!

So I worked for about 30 minutes and then stared blankly for about 30 minutes and then went to the pool but sat at the entrance on my phone and then left an hour later and then drove home and then ate ice cream and ramen and played va-hall-a 11 (best I can remember of haha) and I feel pretty good. Tomorrow will be a good day.

| It really was fun : )
Up again pretty far after my bedtime. I do feel more human at night. I really respect people who play upright characters in some ways, even when it's silly, I think it feels good for a moment to feel better than some of the lows one can sink to... but it also annoys me, the inaccuracy of it.

| Ok time to get going!! Big day today : ) I hope I can do some Linux stuff and put a schedule together

| fapping my boner

| >>1027844
? what doe s that mean

| Got up today!!!

| Finally missed an assignment entirely. Frustration last night propelled me to finally make a schedule, I think it’s a pretty good one too… right note I’m not following it. Current mood-sad

| >>1027942
Welcome to the club, sis.

| today is going pretty gud for me I think. Stupidly slow start but I FINALLY made the posters I said I would using proprietary software (sigh now just need to print them and post em. Lunch was really enjoyable. Psych proscribed me adderal yesterday but the pharmacy say they need permission or some bs. I’m excited for it, hoping the blog here will get maybe less frequent but with better content, maybe even stuff I can share with my gurls <3
And any club with you I’m proud to be in!!

| My day is ending in a really happy way. I'm just so energized and running around doing shit. LOTS to do tomorrow but it's all very achievable. sending this luck your way gurls!!!!!!

Not really sure what caused it. Had some really positive interactions, lots of sleep, tension from failing the one assignment, finally getting the schedule though I didn't follow it at all and missed another appointment. Kept one appointment though and even posted the posters around campus.

| i had three quizzes this week and two (2) group projects my classmates barely worked on, i hope next week is better

| >>1028016
<3 rest well hard working gurl

| skipped school today. it's always fun when i'm absent, but always torturous when i'm attending it

| fapping my boner

| >>1028023
Waaaaah I’ve been there and feel so bad about it. I wish I could go with you. One time after I got really sick in middle school I stayed home so long as I could and my English teacher had my class mates make me a card and showed up at my house and it really helped to feel cared about like that. Well I guess this is me saying I think you matter at school, and I think you can do really good work, and if you need any help, post on here and I will help you!!

| I’m going to ask my good at social things friend how to thank him too.

| It’s on my to do list. Day was good. Extremely eepy. Still more to do tomorrow, and frustrating I couldn’t bring myself to study during my English class work time. I have good friends. Nite nite world! Take care of yourself ~

Total number of posts: 71, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1726892371

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