I'm not a racist but...

| I'm not a racist but jews are a danger to Europe in fact they are fiercely attacking us this very moment. Again, I'm not a racist I'm just painting the jews in a negative light for no reason. Since I'm not a racist anyone who says otherwise are the real racsists.

Source: My schizoid ramblings.

| tfw even /u/ has a jidf poster
it was bad enough with the nafo libtard

| Maybe they’ll take care of us with their money and take us on dates! And be all Baka it’s not like I like you you cattle when we snuggle up in bed!

| just paint yourself of red and make the change you've always wanted to do. nobody will really care about what it will happen

| >>1026943
You will never be relevant.

It's unclear who you're refering to?

Go away, Ralph.

| >>1026943 go move to Russia they are offering places to conservatives sick of the woke west, you'll love it there.

| >>1026936
Jewness is not a race, you are wrong at all.
G/u/rl, learn the matter part!

| Stupid Russian hoax book lives rent free in Goyims heads

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1726049780

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