It's over.

| The world as we know it is coming to an end. This is as good as it gets for your life. From now on, it's only going to get more and more miserable in life. The boomers destroyed everything. They got to enjoy the high life of modern industrialization and cheap everything while polluting the earth. You will never enjoy the standard of life that they have. You will statistically have less sex and be lonelier than they were.

| The Internet is worse and less useful than it was 5, let alone 10 years ago. From everywhere Europe is getting attacked by jews, russkies and saudi arabs, and your leaders are complicit. Civil rights are about to regress, everywhere governments are getting more tyrannical, asking more discipline, more surveillance. The social ladder is broken. Faggot billionaires and their protestant allies have soaked up all the wealth from the middle class. Metal Slug 8 will never come out.

| next time I'm voting for the presidential candidate that promises to do the most abuse to boomers in retirement homes.

| I'm eating chips on my bed while typing this. It's the one thing they can never take away from us.

| w-what? I thought this already happened a while ago...

| Cool story gurl, sorce?

| someone needs to take a break from her doomer scrolling

| >>1026712
>Europe is getting attacked by jews

lol, are you for real?

| day of the pillow when

| How can the world end when sex produces life?

| tfw late stage capitalism is so bad even the weird racists start complaining about it

| >>1026736 I'm not antisemetic. The French institute in Gaza was hit by an israeli bomb and various french diplomats were killed. If you criticize this in French media you get called antisemetic. Franco-Israeli MPs like Meyer Habib openly talk about how they're putting the interests of Israel first and France second. They claim to speak for all of judaism so I'll consider them as such.

| >>1026781
>I'm not antisemetic.
>Europe is getting attacked by jews

| >>1026781
Jeez that’s aweful

| >>1026711 You mean, freedom got secured away and that it will never be give away again and that everyone is gonna be living in the most misable way because corruption is getting pretty damn higher and the more stuff you put in the mix the more chaos it'd generate, making it quicksand.

Resulting in those in power or any comfortable position to just sit down and relax without concern about any matter as they can afford their protections, right?
Making it an era of waiting the tyrant to die?

| >>1026781
If you blame all jews because of the actions of a single nations military then it's perfectly fair to call you an antisemite.

| Nah, I'd survive.

| >>1026829 I never said all jews, the israelis are jewish, thus we're getting attacked by jews, I didn't say "by the jews". If I had said that then yeah

| >>1026781 >>1026857
Such dumb circle logic ...

| >>1026820 sort of yeah

| >>36ec42 how

| >>36ec42 like people freak out when you say that Israel is jewish even though they repeat it over and over, like it's not a secret

| >>1026829
>if you blame all jews for what the jews do, you're an antisemite
The brainrot has taken deep, I see. That, or you're a zionist yourself?

| >>1026868
You went from >Europe is getting attacked by jews
to this? Moving the goalpost much?

No one ever freaks out over isreal being jewish, that's just another one of your retarded circlelogic nonsense argument. No one ever said that racists were smart.

| >>1026876
Jews are white, dipshit, and you can't be racist against white people.

| I would let any white person k-kiss me I think they're really cute ok?

| Don't give up, Skeleton!

| >>1026876 you're scrambling to find something racist about what I'm saying, idk what you're on about m9

| >>1026929
>Europe is getting attacked by jews

| >>1026712 another day another psyop

| It's the beginning.
Humanity has never seen such a low chance to die before, in all of its history.
Since the dawn of Humanity, there has not been a time more peaceful, with higher life-quality standards, than today.

The Human Race is only just starting. We're about to reach another planets and celestial bodies, as only and merely, as intelligent monkeys, in spacesuits.
How wonderful is that sight?! The Universe has no words to properly praise us. We're just that cool.


| >>1026973 if you say so

| >>1026973 That's positive, we monkeys could actually do something like that if more could learn the same way of viewing and having around the same quality of life to support it.
Maybe we could talk about what sort of beautiful art we'd make once being in outer space becomes the norm.
To the miserable myself, I can say I'm a scientist of this matter to talk about it. Any more ambitious idea?

| I have yet to learn the way of viewing.

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1725984645

This thread is closed.