Russia is still invaded after 5 days of Ukranian attacks

| Russia blocked the Signal Messaging app because there is no way Putin wants the Russian people to know the extent of Ukraine's attack, especially not the up to 500 soldiers killed and wounded in one strike alone. Hundreds of prisoners have been taken, including conscripts. Roughly 400 square miles of Russian territory taken under control by Ukraine.

| Considering Russia has said six times "everything is under control", to have the Russian people shown everything is not under control would be devastating on top of the humiliation Putin and his minions have so far received. If the muscovite midget thinks he can keep this all quiet, he'll have to figure out how to silence the nearly 5,000 evacuees streaming into Kursk and other Russian towns from saying what is really going on.

| Jeez I would look at my options and negotiate a peace if I didn’t have something good to my sleeve. Be careful russian and ukranian gurls! Everyone wants you to be safe and happy with healthy gurlwives. Is there a good way they should communicate? My friends there use telegram but I’d prefer if they could use signal you know? I guess matrix or there’s always encrypted email sigh.

| Yes my very proprity in life, figuring out how to humiliate putin.
How do I unsubscribe again?

| >>1023120 you don't understand sis. if you don't throw your entire life away to raise awareness for $cause you're basically a nazi and deserve summary execxution sis. you should be following the marching orders of op right now. you should be in kursk and killing russians right now. anything else makes you an irredeemably horrible person in the eyes of anyone who follows $cause.

| хохол в стойло

| >>1023114
The more it tells us they're afraid of losing it

Russia can't stop Ukraine from sparing enough forces to successfully (counter-)invade it for several days straight with as yet no signs of being driven back, and Putin can't risk any significant public resistance

If only all the different groups being oppressed within Russia would get off their asses and make their separatist movements active, in the end a lot fewer people would die

| >>1023120
When Russia massacred civilians in Bucha we all got the receipts.
When Russia launched precision guided weapons at civilian targets resulting in civilian injury and death on an almost daily basis we all get the receipts.
When talking heads on Russian state media openly speak of genocide including drowning Ukrainian children we have the receipts.
They are terrorists and only losers and paid chills sympathize with terrorists

| >>1023143 go fight yourself instead of riling up mentally ill people on an obscure textboard, lockheed martin shareowner

| >>1023149 gurl we don't need to fight ourselves I'm literally forking over money to fund FPV drone strikes in the Donbass lmao
Revenge for the proud tribes of Circassia !!!! RAAAAAA

| I actually am a Lockheed Martin shareholder funny enough but I really do want everyone to be safe and I don’t care about tribes or countries so know I love you and don’t look at rage bait ok? Mwah!

That’s not me saying you shouldn’t fund those strikes but remember the love of your people and how you fight wars to build them up OK? I bet there are still some cute girls of your tribe left who would like to recreate them with you <3

| Ukraine is still invaded after 897 days of Russian attacks lmao

| bump


| >>1023263 897 days? ever since 2014 have russian boots been on Ukrainian soil!

| This early on it's hard to tell how this is going to end, but for now it looks like Ukraine is looking for something to have as a bargaining chip with the Russians. They're scared that the west will force them to negotiate a shitty peace treaty with the russians where the mos likely outcome would be for russia to annex the territory that's under their control.

| >>1023379
Maybe, but it sounds too far fetched. Russia has made themselves the antagonists of the free world so why would they/we give away a partial victory like that? I don't see why "t3h w3st" would force a shitty peace treaty when aiding russia goes against everything the free world stands for. The more russia lose the stronger the free world becomes.

| Attacking into russia is likely very strategically sound and a huge propaganda win for the ukrainian side, both within russia and the rest of the world. Putin is trying his hardest to downplay what's going on and it's not certain why he didn't do much to protect his borders in the first place(incompetence?). With such a weak defence it was bound to happen at some point.

| >>1023375 hahaha and for all that time Ukraine didn't manage to drive them out of any of its territories, "occupied" since 2014? And yet it is now desperately trying to bite some pieces of Russia, just to feel some sense of success, despite it possibly being quite miserable? Yeah, definitely sounds like a strong country, lol

| Special military operation that will be over in two days seems to be going well for Pootin

| >>1023415
Please don’t bully them! I have a feeling poonin is kinda sensitive and browses here. What do you think YOU would need to hear if you were in their seat?

| >>1023418
If I was a sensitive little pitler/pitler-bootlicker I think I would need to hear cold hard facts no matter how much it upsets my delicate sensibilities.

In fact, upsetting my delicate sensibilities would be the whole point which is why I will continue making these threads, forever.

| >>1023470
That’s fairly true how would you do it though if you were in love with Putin and had a secret relationship with them on discord? I feel like they aren’t going to want to hear what they think is enemy propaganda. I would guess getting them to talk to low level officers and creating a culture of realism would be necessary, but they’d need me/you to hold their hand and comfort them through it! I admire your spunk gurl

| why is this not in /news/

| Oh no time to use nuclear arms against vile invaders


| >>1023551 угомонись хохлинка со своим бампом

| >>1023508 you guessed


| >>1023551

| Deepstatemap has been updated, 469 sq km taken and the whole of Sudzha. Deepstatemap is usually conservative and with a delay so this is the minimum what Ukraine holds.

| Even if Ukraine has clearly stated that it does not intend to annex anything in russia, perhaps it can be helpful and create new neutral people's republics in the former russia such as the Republic of Kursk, Belgorod etc. Then both russia and Ukraine will have a buffer zone against each other.

Personally, I hope that the federation of russia will implode into a number of new small states.

| Russia and USA have been LARPing "commies v. free wold" since before the Cold War, wake up.

It's just a publicity mill they run co-operatively, and the fuel is your attention, your money and now again, Uki and Russki serf bodies.

| >>1023752
lol nice try

| The Führer and tyrant Putin of sewer russia is on his toes after the Russian defeat in Kursk. To get help from North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un, KGB-Putin has sent 447 goats as a gift. Goats for guns?


| Serves you trolls right, you are so fucking butthurt by this. Feels real good to be honest. Ukraine has pulled down Putin's pants completely. The man cannot even defend his own country.

In addition, Ukraine faces no resistance from locals compared to Ukraine in 2022 when Ukrainian locals made Molotov cocktails and took up arms against invader Russia.

| bro, just deal with the fact that no one gives a smoking shit about this, you're just embarassing yourself on the whole /u/ now. you should've stayed on /new/, fam.

| >>1023764
then why do these threads have a 100% butthurt rate among you russians?

| you can't lie to me, ruzki. everyone can see how much you care, and everyone knows you're a lying desperate little man

| >>1023768 HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA, you are THE ONLY khokhloposter on this board

You again use your stupid catch phrase "uuuauauaua you can't lie to me, ruski((((( everyone knows you lie uououo(((("

Sooooo pathethic, Jeez, come up with something new already, yobanny tarasers.
Or just don't, and go quit yourself on the street of Warsaw or where did you covardly run to, instead of dying for your holy ukraine. You made me laugh though, that's for sure.

| >>1023774
is this you not caring? ever heard the phrase "shooting yourself in the foot"

all that talk about embarrasment and being pathetic is just projection. i knew it even before your butthurt ass typed up that post

stay mad, ruzki bitch

| you can't lie to me, crybaby ruski~

| After the North Koreans, the russians are probably the world's most brainwashed people. Centuries of psychological abuse and oppression have left deep marks in the russian brain. The entire population is basically mentally handicapped by now and you prove it with every single post you make.

| For decades, russia has built up a paper tiger that does not coincide at all with the big reality. The russian propaganda is strangely enough more a self-harming behavior that sooner or later will bite back hard. And it is precisely where we are now, the russian leadership and the population at large are so surprised that they do not know how to handle the situation.

| Therefore, we are currently not seeing any major attacks on the Ukrainian advance, which is taking place at a speed that is surprisingly fast for the russian military. They have been fed by the fact that Ukraine is a hopelessly composed army of old people who are close to a total collapse. This could be a major awakening for the russian population about how they have been brainwashed and this scares the russian leadership as their whole illusion is shattered.

| When will the russian people wake up?
Is it something endemic to the soil? The water? The climatr? Thry have always been like this. But they can be better

| /new/ ?

| /new/ pls

| samefag ?

samefag pls

| >>1023887 the only samefag here is you

| >>1023899
>"no u"
lol butthurt

| >>1023912
nah fam just telling you you're wrong

| Ukraine's offensive towards Kursk will fail. Its a futile thrust launched by a depleted army while Russian forces are advancing on all fronts. If the Russians are smart, they'll let the Ukrainians extend their lines and destroy them in a counterattack or encirclement. Dozens of men and weapons for nothing. Ukraine has no strategy.

| >>1024073 "on all fronts" yeah sure buddy
if Russia had the capabilities to attack on all fronts they would but instead they failed to take Kiev and are now stuck fighting village for village in Donetsk.
Also how tf did the depleted Ukrainian Army take territory quicker in Russia than the power house Russia is taking in Ukraine???

| >>1024090 well not so quick, they entered and took some territories near kursk quickly, but now the rate of offensive dropped significantly and they have to stand the ground now

| wtf maid isn't dead? Clean fucking 50k please

| is the 50k in the same room with us?

| >>1024090
Kiev was years ago. Right now, RUS is advancing towards Kramatorsk, have encircled UA forces in Robotyne while Ukraine runs out of manpower and their logistics is on the brink of collapse. By taking some of its best units and throwing them towards Kursk, Ukraine weakens its defensive line and throws away valuable resources. The situtation in Kursk is pretty stable and the rate of combat losses is not favorable to Ukraine.

| The Kursk offensive is primarily aimed at convincing Western countries that UA forces are combat effective to secure more funding. Its an offensive designed to serve the needs of politicians and is not a wise military move. US advisors were correct in their assessment: Ukraine should retreat to a more defensible position and dig in, not launch futile attacks when your running out of basic military necessities.

It really doesn't look good for Ukraine right now.

| Well, if they convince the westerners and then dig in effectively, I bet they’ll be doing a good job. Even if it’s bad, all you can do is the best option, so I try not to look at how I think the odds are, even when I feel bad.

| >>1024339
They can't do that. If you take your best men and throw them in on a suicide offensive to Kursk, you are depriving other sectors of vital men and material needed to hold off the Russians. Dead men don't come back. UA is in a doomed situtation. They don't have the manpower or material to continue fighting and no amount of Western money will fix it. If I were the Ukrainians, I'd retreat to the Dniper river, blow the bridges, dig in and peace out.

| >>1024725
That makes sense. I would have defensive lines right in front of the river too, and maybe have charges on the bridges but not blow them so when they get through my lines, they’ve got a big barrier in their way! I’d call it the ‘snipr’ river too to sound scary!
It’s sad when people’s lives get destroyed by these big systems like wars and military orders. I hope you’re cozy at home and staying well away from this stuff.

| I think this war should stop

| >>1024737
You too anon, but I have a feeling that Ukraine is only a taste of what's to come.

You are right. But however it ends it won't be good for the world.

| > discord
> tran
> hohols
> anime
why is the entire english web gaytarded

| >>1025317
We love sex!

| >>1025254
And thanks by the way <3
God I feel sick to my stomach with anxiety thinking about this stuff. I think about the peasants in Germany before the wars where 80% died in some regions. They’d probably heard about little wars elsewhere… same with the Chinese before their horrible times. I want to flee but there’s nowhere to go. It’s already past my bedtime. Bad things are coming. Good things too of course. I tell myself ‘just be valuable everything will be ok’ but…

| lol russians samefagging again

from a western perspective this kind of bullshit is simply hilarious because no one buys the russian lies lol

| Why do some of these pro-russian comments read like AI shenanigans?

| >>1025412 take a wild guess lol

| honestly i still see some people doing the whole "Ukrainians are nazis" thing in 2024 years after it's been debunked. Literally the japanese soldier still fighting the war long after it's lost

Total number of posts: 71, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1724571726

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