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globalize the intifada

| Palestine will be free.

people are mad because we're supporting marginalized people suffering a genocide and not just the us backed far right kyiv regime

can talk all the shit about pitler but at least hes done good for the global south unlike amerikka

stay mad and cope harder liberals

| >done good for the global south
fuck the global south though?
mexico received actual trillions of dollars of foreign direct investment in the wake of nafta and they still can't hold a half-decent country together
muh war on drugs, just have a working policing system you buncha libtards. *keeps electing socialists instead*

| This is bait

| >>1016545 you can't just draw on map and say not existing countries. I can also draw circle around world and name it "mine". btw. most people supporting Israel like me can't be mad really since government is stronger than some rebellions. And most funny thing is that terrorists are making weapons for example from materials donated from EU.


| >>1016545 deal with it, world is leaded by superpowers. Israel have nuclear weapons, hamas not. If was new country made, it is agreement of other superpowers, not dead bodies of terrorists or hostages.

btw. this g/u/rl forget source, it would be nice bring here maid.

| tl;dr israeli supporters cant into grammar

| >>1016938
we had rape you

| >>1016938 because i'm from Europe

| >>1016981

| >>1016959 Maybe you can get more of your human shields killed then cry for sympathy from dumb college students.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1718882150

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