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Corporate greed is fueling inflation

| Every day I wake up and it seems like the price of everything has skyrocketed, and we're just supposed to bend over and take it. Ten years ago, a 4 1/2 apartment went for $735, now it's $2,200.
McD's used to have a value menu with $0.89 cheeseburgers and now they're charging $3.15 for the same shitty item.
Frozen pizzas: $10, butter: $7, eggs: $8.
I feel so powerless, so frustrated.

| There's a certain faction of society who wants it to be like this, and they've done a really good job at making people mad at other people over bullshit reasons. This makes it really easy to distract mass populations from the entities we really should be united against. Can't fight Nestle's claim that water isn't a human right if John down the street is more interested in who is doing what with which genitals.

Total number of posts: 2, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1712703211

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