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Do you think the global fall of population will be a big deal?

| If less humans are being born, what consequences could that bring? What positive and negatives consequences?

Will some countries change their loyalty/alliances due to this fall of population, somehow?

| All worries about population are capitalist myths to get you distracted from class struggle. Don't fall for that kinda psyop

| >>1010404 this tbh

| I'm pretty sure less population will be a good thing

| As long as it falls relatively slowly it's fine

| As long as it falls relatively slowly it's fine

| >>1010404 usually racism

| >>1010404 this fr
>>1010428 this fr

| In the long run, yeah it'll be a problem. I don't necessarily agree with >>1010404 , but population issues are def used as a distraction from the *cause* of those issues (more people can't afford to have kids).

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1712290978

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