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Why there is anything at all - experiment

| I made previous thread.. but there is something what i was thinking about and maybe can make answers or at least make them closer.. there is abstract experiment which i had in mind..

1. This is sadly sci-fi or technologically far, but imagine BCI or artificial neuron which can makes connection
2. Find 2 people which would join experiment
3. Wire them brains together
4. Try talk with him/them, and watch them activities. Also try give them tasks as counting in math, talk about past

| etc. And see whole picture..

In theory it could confirm/unconfirm answer from Schrodinger concept that in universe exists only one mind. What if all particles have potential to be counsioness? But they are limited because of bad design and not correct chemicals? Spreading of universe could be some kind of cognetive illusion. And far objects can be stucked in recursion.

| Theoretically is also possible that complex universe processes are slowing down, which can make things feel as being speed up. But what if everything becomes slower and once time will everything stop and "time" won't exists if not already exists, reality can be in this case some way of mental coping about weird universe.

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1687483439

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