Post number #959346, ID: 3cb145
Aging is process of losing energy, and time. If we was able to live on Jupiter, there we would age much slower, or other massive planets.
Post number #959441, ID: 0f34ad
Age would still be useful even on Jupiter. Someone aged 20 on Jupiter would be older than someone aged 20 on Earth. In both cases we need age.
Post number #959461, ID: decc8c
Destroy the aging process, kill death and storm the heavens
Post number #959488, ID: 3cb145
>>959461 we need to transform in wave and get on absolute speed of light, than we could do nothing, but time would freeze
Total number of posts: 4,
last modified on:
Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1686824955
| Aging is process of losing energy, and time. If we was able to live on Jupiter, there we would age much slower, or other massive planets.