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Why do you like Lain?


| im just here for the aesthetic, didn't like the show much

| I like its themes, the questions and matters it dwells in.
I also would love to hug Lain.

| Oh! And about aesthetic, I specially like that "watery shadows thingy" they did with some shadows of characters and objects in the anime

| Оoоoоoоο

| >>67ef70 let's all hug Lain.

| don't have any particular feelings about the character but i really fw the art and atmosphere of the show. don't get people's actual obsessions with Lain.

| let's all love lain :3

| Because she is literally god and if we don't love and worship her she will kill us

| Because she is like me

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1686695937

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