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Lain sexbot

| Milk the circuit

| a

| Səks with L@in.?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿

| >>933194 Pedo, she is 14

| No səks with Lain (0)
Səks with Obama genderbender futa version(1)

| >>933436
In 1998 she was 14. Now her age is 38 years. She is kinda MILF, should I say.

| >>933715 i feel fucked up right now.. how 38 y.o. lain can looks like?!

| >>933733
I haven't watched the anime, but if I understand correctly, she has merged with the network. This is digital immortality, she lives forever (until digital world exist of course) and does not age. So, she is 38 years old, but she is in the 14 y.o body of herself. Sound like legit pedo.

| >>933787 but wait, lolicon is not pedo when she is 10k y.o. witch

| >>933789
Oh dude.
In some countries lolikon is not pedo, in others it is.
As for me, if people can have sex AND have fun doing sex (without psycho problems) it's okay. So if she is in the formed body (I mean she looks like a girl with bobbies and other stuff, not like a baby) of an 14 y.o. lady and she is 38 y.o. it's okay to have sex and have fun with her.

| Example. I'm 14 y.o. and my gf is 14 y.o. And we can fuck each others mouths without problem, right? But what if I continue to grow up and became an adult and my gf is stuck in the body of an 14 y.o. lady. Is that mean that we should break our relationship? I love her, she loves me, what's the problem?

Anyway I can't stand real pedo that fuck real child that don't understand what's going on.

| It's kind of necro shit
Lain is dead

| >>933829
She died in anime? I ask because I didn't see animey

| >>933930 "yes" but not by traditional way. Fully explanation would be spoiler

| >>933980
Spoiler it to me, don't worry. I don't watch it anyway.

| >>933930 >>934000 related spoiler to Serial experiments Lain: In last episode will Lain delete herself from everyones mind, so no one will remember her.
But i would lie if i understood totally why, it was little surreal to me. I feel that i will need to rewatch it

| I think he meant it as /lain/ is dead

| >>934005
Deleting herself from others minds doesn't mean "erase her existance". For example: if I delete every record from everybody mind who knows me, who saw me, who heard about me; I would still exist.
Or what do you mean exactly?

| >>934164 but if nobody knows your existence, are you really exists?

| I feel that it's kind of suicide

| it's a kind of social suicide, yes.
much less effective than trying to have sex with a toaster and television in the bathtub

| quoting lain anime : "If you don'tremember something, it never happened"

| >>934167
Yes. Nobody knows a lot of bacteria wandering around, but they existed anyway.
Example: I don't remember by birth, my mother died after it. Does that mean that my birth never happend?

| >>934454
this isn't how we wanted you to find out, but...

| >>934254 i don't remember it but i agree
>>934454 She exists because she is remembered, but who remembers Lain? Who can proof existence if is information lost? In this way also aliens don't exists or end of universe. She exists subjectively, because she is aware of yourself, but objectively there is no other conscious entity what would know about her.

| >>934484
That was just an example. My mother is alive and I exist for real.

| >>934167
Yeah but if you work in a Starbucks, do you really exist

| >>934821 If you are working in SturbSucks you are cocksucker

| >>934821 no

| Gentlewomen. I bring solution to the lain conundrum of appearance/age: Lain from the PS2 game


| i prefer this:


| ^ very huggable

| Having sex with a girl that inhibits Lains autism would be so turbo

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1671832345

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