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This year sucks.

| The world is going to hell and we dont even have cybernetics or robocop yet. Smh

| And it is only beginning lol, it will get a lot more worse

| >>161bc5 hi at least we got our own dystopia, not saying that the world was any better b4

| dystopian hellscape? can't go outside due to rampant bacteria? major cities burning down? I used to think I lived in a cyberpunk world. now I realize it's a coronapunk world. The closest thing we will get in the next decade to cyberpunk is trading bitcoin flash drives for "lost" milsurp weapons

| >>665265 rampant bacteria...

| We have cybernetics, sure, but no Robocop yet, no.

| We do, though. It's much more sterilized and Apple Store-like than what appears in most media. It's not in your face but it's there:

The ads being driven to you straight at home, your personal information being leaked to some corporate groups to tailor ads specifically for you, children in sweatshops somewhere in the Third World being paid $3 a month to make a product that'll be sold in stores for $400 ish, the cameras everywhere...

And that's all not mentioning current events!

| It's all crashing in on its self before we can build on it

| Wait for earthquake xd

| You suck.

| >>53942f and you swallow gurl

| >>161bc5 and you reply by IDs.

| >>161bc5 stop.

| >>161bc5 get some help.

| >>a01be3
no u

| >>a01be3 no u

| >>667021
Why do retards find this so confusing? Do you really need someone to hold your hand and guide you through the red threads of conversation less you get lost?

| Well this shot got derailed fast

| *shit

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1591621558

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