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Staying cyberpunk in real life


| Opportunists can make apartments for cyberpunk. But a community can make a city for chances for said opportunities.

| Learning about encryption and privacy-enhancing technology is something you can do today and is actually beneficial.

| Just live day to day mang.

There's no going back, the corps are clamping down on information and the govt is becoming more and more useless

| Move to mainland China. Get that real cyberpunk experience.

| If you mean real world tech, go read any of the biohacking/grinding forums. biohack.me being the most prominent one. Or join one of the transhumanist groups on fb.
They'll tell you what's currently possible.

| >>512735
Not recommending. I just visited it, bunch of people who want to rfid chip themselves, because the future is now.

At the moment there are no body augmentations for healthy civilians.

| Pay attention to what's going on in the world, instead of "zenning" through life without a care in the world and then being surprised when shit happens.

| >>513258
>At the moment there are no body augmentations for healthy civilians.

There's no limb replacement, no. But if you want your bus pass incoded in your hand, or door/phone security, it can be done. There's even an aftermarket kit that can provide a gun safety that can be coded to a chip in your hand.

A magnet implanted in your fingertips can be used to sense electromagnetic fields, useful if you work around potentially live wires.

| Not to mention all the experimental nootropics and other drugs that are available if you know where to look.

We're right on the cusp of a transhumanist explosion, all it will take is more people paying positive attention to what's going on.

After all, how many of us were aware that they've been using crispr for gene therapy in adults for 5 years?

| >>513759

Limb replacement's getting pretty close. We have affordable, 3-D printed hands and arms with articulate fingers and it's now possible for paraplegics to make use of such prosthesis' using electrodes on their head. There's some promising footage of it online.

| >>513762
But I don't know where to look! Where do I look?!

| Maybe we could have some sort of cyberpunk news general thread, I know we already have /new/ but that's really mostly just political shit flinging, somewhere for people to post tech or world news or other information that really seems cyberpunk

| >>514256



n-o-d-e.net are pretty good places to look for cyberpunk news items we could discuss.

| Ars Technica is pretty good at catching interesting new research too. Futurism used to be a great source, but lately they've been taking a alarmist, fearful approach to new tech & science.

| >>514500
I don't think it's bad to be cautious rather than excited.

| >>514257 not the g/u/rl you were answering to, but, wow, thanks for those two sites!

| >>514533
Cautious and alarmist are quite different. Their recent writing ha. gone the way of buzzfeed, with alarmist clickbait articles, or they'll fail to present all the facts to put a specific slant to an article, one that is intentionally fearful.

It's really only become an issue over the last two years, they used to be a good secondary source for scientific advancements and interesting papers. Now they've become another trash opinion site.

| >>514897
>has* gone the way of buzzfeed

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1544998698

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